15 Survival Tips To Keep You Around Longer
You never know what the difference-maker might be.
Published 2 years ago in Ftw
You never know when disaster's going to strike. That's why, though it's impossible to predict the future, it's always good to have a few tips and tricks handy for whatever might come your way. Because you never know what the difference-maker might be that gets you home to dinner that night instead of the morgue.
You never know when disaster's going to strike. That's why, though it's impossible to predict the future, it's always good to have a few tips and tricks handy for whatever might come your way. Because you never know what the difference-maker might be that gets you home to dinner that night instead of the morgue.2
"If you're treating a gunshot victim while waiting on an ambulance, the best thing you can do is apply constant pressure to the wound. Bind it if you can. But, whatever you do, absolutely do not remove bandages if they get soaked. Just add more. Don't give the wound any chances to bleed out more than it already is." - placeholderNull4
"F.A.S.T. For strokes.F = Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person's smile uneven?A = Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?S = Speech Difficulty – Is speech slurred?T = Time to call 911" - ff00gg5
"Do not be afraid to use an AED machine. These machines were built for lay people and will give you instructions along the way. The machine will not shock the person if a shock is not indicated. Use the razor that should be included in the kit if the persons chest is hairy. The pads won’t conduct properly otherwise." - iwantmy-2dollars12
"Always go to quiet people in accidents before the screaming ones. If a person is screaming, they are breathing and conscious, and are not as likely to be on the brink of death. Also, when performing cpr you should press at the tempo of the beat in Stayin' alive or another one bites the dust, if you're unsure of how fast you should be going." - Troner4213
"Also, if there was an earthquake or something like that and you got trapped underneath debris, DO NOT yell for help. This will just cause dust and other stuff in the air to get in your lungs. Instead, grab something around you like a metal pipe and start banging it on something else." - Issimane77