18 Things That Finally Convinced Flat Earthers They've Been Idiots
Let's get real: there is nobody quite as stupid as a flat earther. And many of us spend our time trying to figure out how to convince these idiots they are wrong.
What better way to discover the answer than by checking with former flat earthers? Here are the stories of how many people finally saw the light (or sphere, in this case).
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Not me but a colleague. He told me there are many flat earthers like him around the world. I told him to repeat what he said but slowly.
Reddit quote, u/Moonlight_Ryu -
Telling them that there's no way 70,000 scientists could keep a flat earth a secret.
Reddit quote, u/needsmoreusername -
Kyrie Irving hasn’t been doing press conferences
Reddit quote, u/BjornBeetleBorg -
What I like to do is use telescopes. This telescope is strong enough to see distant stars and galaxies, yes? Okay, look out this direction across the ocean. Can you see Europe?
Reddit quote, u/HavanosArcova -
I convinced a flat earther, temporarily, by asking him if it was possible for a sphere to be so large that you could not tell it was a sphere by simply being on the surface of it. It took him a while, I used an analogy of an extremely long line that was so slightly curved you could not tell so by looking at a small section of it. Eventually, he said yes to the sphere and I told him that was how big the earth is.
A few days later he reverted, most of these people aren’t mentally stable, they believe in a lot of conspiracies.
Reddit quote, u/McClain3000 -
Look, it's really easy:If the Earth is flat, there would be an edge(s). And there would be a Disney park at the edge, and we could bungee jump off the side and paraglide into the void, etc.
Someone would be making an absolute ton of money off of it - if it existed.
Guess what? Nobody is doing that - and in this world where absolutely everything is exploited for profit - if no one is making money off of it - it does.not.exist. No edge. Not flat. Get a clue.
Reddit quote, u/Gedwyn19 -
They actually did an experiment, and that if they got one result, the earth was flat, if they got the other, it was round.
The experiment showed that the earth is…drum roll…round! They claimed it was human error that caused the “wrong” result.
Reddit quote, SourMelissa -
I was debating a flat earther in Mexico, and I asked him about how GPS worked if there were no satellites. He said that they had devices in the ground to route you.
I told him the Mexican government is barely able to put decent water pipes in the ground; would he really think they had the tech to put routing devices in the ground?
He chuckled with a thousand-mile gaze.
Reddit quote, u/mzaouar -
A serious answer here
The thing that made my friend stop was just the question "why would NASA lie to you?"
Reddit quote, u/The_Holy_Fork -
Had to travel to Japan, gave up on my beliefs in order to make a shorter trip.
Reddit quote, u/uvzla792 -
Our government couldn’t even keep Bill Clinton’s Oval Office blowjob a secret. Do you really think they can keep something that big a secret?
Reddit quote, u/HippoShogun -
Got a flat Earther to question his beliefs (and hopefully critically analyze them) by giving him the proof he asked for, to which he responded "mainstream science and media are lies". I asked why he asked for proof if he could just disregard it as lies either way, then told him that since he required no proof (or evidence against) to believe something, it made him the easiest person to deceive and that it seemed pretty sheep-like to me. He deleted all of his flat earth comments and hasn't posted about it since.
Reddit quote, u/thelife0fZ -
Surprisingly enough. Facts and logic. More specifically star patterns. What we observe cannot happen on a flat earth.
Reddit quote, u/Safinkodyr -
Thankfully, physics is a mandatory subject in Switzerland, made much more sense that any « top 10 facts that prove that the earth is flat ».
Reddit quote, u/Lykorice -
My FIL is a flat earther and all-around nutcase. I asked him if the earth was flat and he was right, what then? How is your life any different? His face was priceless because he didn’t have an answer. It was great.
Reddit quote, u/BigWingWangKen -
I once had a conversation with a professional UFC fighter and outspoken Flat Earther. I tried to explain how Archimedes was able to prove the Earth was round just by using his shadow. I mentioned air travel and how Hawaii and Japan are not 20+ hours of flying apart.
But what I think got through to him the most was seasons. This particular guy was Brazilian. I explained that because the Earth is round, it’s possible to be winter in Brazil and summer in the USA and vice versa. He nodded and stared off into the distance silently and the conversation was over. I don’t think I “converted” him but it gave him significant pause at the very least.
Reddit quote, u/PlaneShenaniganz -
I always have two questions for flat earthers;
Do you believe in Pearl Harbor?
If yes, can you explain to me Japan's flight path and aircraft carrier path?
Reddit quote, u/JabroniDM -
Sunsets, man. Sunsets. I watched all these videos read a book on it talked to people about it. I was one of them. Everyone else was crazy for not seeing the truth(still, I have a lot of questions about how the heck this thing could possibly be a globe but that's besides the point) but i had an answer for everything. People would ask why don’t we fall off the edge? There is no edge, the earth an infinite space. Why do balloons pop when they go high enough? Because theres only so much air and it sinks to the earth’s surface but eventually you can fly above it and then there’s no pressure of the air pushing against the ballon so it pops. Hows does gravity work? Gravity is made up I believe in buoyancy.
But one day somebody asked me if the sun is a spotlight in the sky then how does a sunset work. I was like uh.. and I looked into it. Couldn't find anything that makes sense. Sunsets turned me back
Reddit quote, u/NamelessSithNPC -
I entertained it for a while. What convinced me the earth was a sphere was a video I came across of a group of flat earthers doing a laser test over water. They found a stretch of level water around 2 miles long, then used level lasers to measure the distance from the water. The test came back quite accurately indicating the earth was a sphere and not flat. They all got super upset and were crying about it. Seems like a doable and effective test and their reaction, confusion and heartbreak seemed genuine.
Reddit quote, u/w1lliamsss -
I actually love the flat earth argument. Every time I encounter an anti-vaxer or a plandemic nut I listen and agree. I then make them listen to “my” logic on how the earth is flat. Every time they respond by picking apart the flat earth logic. I then defend the flat earth and sincerely compare my “proof” to their “proof” against vaccines or Covid. They get so frustrated that I compare their point of view to something as dumb as flat earth. This is especially fun with the anti-vaccine crowd because they think they understand data and scientific research.
Reddit quote, u/Reasonable1svoice -
My answer to flat earthers is why do the moon and all the other planets look round. Are they standing on their edge?
Reddit quote, u/PacoTacos21 -
While having coffee with my sister one day, she revealed that she was a flat earther.
I said I wasn't going to try and convince her otherwise because if literally millions of pieces of evidence doesn't convince you, then nothing I can say will, but I will ask you a couple of question so that I can understand a bit more. This was the brief conversation:
Q. Do you think the sun is round? Her answer - It appears to be
Q. Do you think the moon is round? Her answer - it appears to be
Q do you think all the other planets are round? Her answer - they appear to be
So to clarify, you're saying that the sun, the moon and all the planets are round but we're floating on a flat disk in the same space. Ok.
I think it made a difference from the look on her face but we've never spoken of it again.
Reddit quote, u/ThelastReject
- 29 Intriguing Photos of Unique Things People Saw
Not me but a colleague. He told me there are many flat earthers like him around the world. I told him to repeat what he said but slowly.
Reddit quote, u/Moonlight_Ryu