20 Crazy Adult-Swim Facts That'll Entertain Your Inner Geek
The Adult-Swim of today is very different from what it was before. Here are some facts from the period of its evolution.
Published 2 years ago in Funny
The Adult-Swim of today is very different from what it was before. Here are some facts from the period of its evolution.
"the TV show "The Amazing World of Gumball" was originally conceived in 2008 as being a more adult program that would air on Adult Swim, but was rejected for looking "way too extremely mindblowingly cute". It was eventually retooled as a children's show for Cartoon Network in 2011." - u/coopatroopa1177
"Tyler Perry stopped any future business with Warner Bros owned networks, finishing up his sitcoms "House of Payne" and "Meet The Browns" runs on WB owned TBS, partly out of anger from a episode of "The Boondocks" which lampooned and criticized him harshly, airing on WB owned Adult Swim." - u/Alec12211
"a Rick and Morty-Themed Pop-up Bar Shut Down After Threats From Turner Broadcasting. The pop-up bar --called The Wubba Lubba Dub PUB was initially supposed to open Aug. 9 and run through Oct. 6. Adult Swim was not approached in advance of the building of the Rick and Morty themed bar." - u/ChaseDonovan