Mystery Bag Leads Man To Discover Some Else Living In His Apartment
The stalker planned to live in the man's home on the off hours, but that's only where this creepy tale begins . . .
Published 8 years ago in Wow
The stalker planned to live in the man's home on the off hours, but that's only where this creepy tale begins . . .
So, I just got a new job back in October, working Tech Support on the graveyard shift. I work from 1am - 12pm Friday through Monday's. Needless to say, adjusting my sleep schedule has been quite the task, but I have managed. On the days that I don't work, I still follow my work schedule, waking up at midnight, and staying up until at least 2pm before falling asleep as to keep my sleep schedule in line with my work schedule. I bought blackout curtains to help with this, as trying to sleep with the sun shining is not easy for me, I usually require complete darkness. I live alone, I started noticing weird things happening around my apartment when I would get home from work, or after waking up on my days off. Just little things at first, lights being on, that I swear I turned off, doors being left open or closed.2
He describes the layout of his apartment, which is important to understand just how creepy the story is. Just so everyone can get a bit of understanding about my apartment: I live on the 2nd floor, and my building is right behind the leasing office. The entrance to my apartment requires you to enter the building first then there is a hallway with 2 apartments on either side, then you can enter the apartment. Each apartment has two deadbolts. One that you can unlock from the outside, and another that requires you to unlock from the inside. There is also a balcony, which faces east, complete with a large, sliding glass door and screen. I use it quite frequently, as I had potted plants out there, but have brought them inside due to the cold weather. My apartment is the one closest to the camera, I intentionally left out the number, for obvious reasons.3
It turns out the uploader's credit card was stolen. This is where it gets creepy. Now that they're not here, it had gotten harder to pass off these weird occurrences as my cats. Doors are still being left open and closed, and food has been disappearing from my fridge. At first I passed this off as just me being my usual self and just not remembering that I ate something when I was half asleep or bored. Recently, my boss gave me permission to work from home, as this shift is brand new, as the company is moving to 24/7 support, and the building owner refuses to heat my floor for my shift for only two people. So, I've been doing that for the past couple weeks and last week, I noticed, the metal rod, that acts as a secondary lock on the balcony door, wasn't engaged, so I put it back. I didn't think much of it at the time, as my computer faces my balcony door(I like to people watch and watch the sunrise, sue me) and I sometimes fidget with it with my feet while playing video games. On the 11th of December, my Credit card information was stolen and my account was charged +$3000. I was in the office that day, as a favor to my coworker, who was really creeped out being in the office alone in the middle of the night. The charge was made at 11:40am, just a few moments before I gotten off work, and I had the card on me still. (This is relevant, I promise) I was restless and didn't sleep well. I wake up at midnight, per usual, on Monday morning, and get my set up ready to take calls. Now, almost no calls come in on the weekends, so I'm usually screwing around on Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, and Netflix.4
And this is when the creepiness hits insane lengths. Around 3:00am I was catching up on The 100 when someone unlocked my fucking door! I don't mean, picked the lock, I mean used a key. Thank god the secondary deadbolt was engaged but the person jiggled the door to try and get it to open. I ran and grabbed my gun looked out the peephole but saw nothing. I opened the door, with the intent to shoot someone, but the person was already gone. Before you ask, yes I called the cops, no they didn't find anything. There are no cameras in the hallways of the building, or outside them for that matter, and they told me that there wasn't enough evidence for them to do anything about it, and left. I didn't sleep at all the next night, and decided to stay home, on my days off, to try and catch the person, if they tried to come back. I also asked the leasing office if they handed out any extra keys to my apartment and they said "no." and informed them that I changed the locks on my door. You remember the picture from before? Showing my apartment door? Well the white door, just on the other side of the fire extinguisher, is my storage closet, opened with the same key for the deadbolt. I keep my Christmas tree/Decorations in there and decided it was time to set it up. As i'm pulling out the tree this evening, its only a 5ft tall fake tree that has all the lights attached to it already, I notice a bag, back behind it. A small, black duffel bag, in it, I found a change of clothes, sunglasses, shoes, toiletries and a notebook. What was in the notebook horrified me. The notebook was packed with notes about the poster. What he found was so chilling he had to call the cops.5
There were notes about me. What hours/days I worked, notes about my cats, and updated notes that they were no longer there and the date, my fucking credit card number! As I went further and further back in the notes, I found two words, circled multiple times "Balcony Door." Which I assume is how the person entered my apartment for the first time. This creep had been living in my apartment while I've been at work for the past month and I didn't even know it! The worst part is, that I was in my apartment at the same time as this guy, at some point, and didn't even know it. That's the only way he would have gotten my credit card number, and my house key to make a copy somewhere!There are more notes, but I didn't take photo's of them before the police arrived. I was practically in shock and when I saw these notes, I completely shut down. There were notes about when I would leave on my days off, what I brought back, from where (probably based on shopping bags) How long I was gone...this guy stalked me for at least two months... They have found the person responsible for using my Credit Card info, and they're attempting to find her! They're hoping that they will be able to get some information on the guy who gave her my information, as the pants in the photo are in Men's 34/34.6
For clarification: I did call the cops, they have the bag and everything inside. The only thing is, the guy hasn't come back for the bag, and the thing about fingerprints is that it can take months to a year to get an analysis back if its not "high priority" and to them, they have homicides to deal with, so Home Invasion is kind of bottom of the ladder. They pulled the security footage from the leasing office, but nothing was found. They are going to try to get CDOT to pull the footage from the Light Rail Station down the road to see if they find anything. The thief was basically living in this dude's apartment and assumed control of his life while the guy was asleep, all while stealing his identity. For clarification: I did call the cops, they have the bag and everything inside. The only thing is, the guy hasn't come back for the bag, and the thing about fingerprints is that it can take months to a year to get an analysis back if its not "high priority" and to them, they have homicides to deal with, so Home Invasion is kind of bottom of the ladder. They pulled the security footage from the leasing office, but nothing was found. They are going to try to get CDOT to pull the footage from the Light Rail Station down the road to see if they find anything. The thief was basically living in this dude's apartment and assumed control of his life while the guy was asleep, all while stealing his identity. For clarification: I did call the cops, they have the bag and everything inside. The only thing is, the guy hasn't come back for the bag, and the thing about fingerprints is that it can take months to a year to get an analysis back if its not "high priority" and to them, they have homicides to deal with, so Home Invasion is kind of bottom of the ladder. They pulled the security footage from the leasing office, but nothing was found. They are going to try to get CDOT to pull the footage from the Light Rail Station down the road to see if they find anything. The thief was basically living in this dude's apartment and assumed control of his life while the guy was asleep, all while stealing his identity. For clarification: I did call the cops, they have the bag and everything inside. The only thing is, the guy hasn't come back for the bag, and the thing about fingerprints is that it can take months to a year to get an analysis back if its not "high priority" and to them, they have homicides to deal with, so Home Invasion is kind of bottom of the ladder. They pulled the security footage from the leasing office, but nothing was found. They are going to try to get CDOT to pull the footage from the Light Rail Station down the road to see if they find anything. The thief was basically living in this dude's apartment and assumed control of his life while the guy was asleep, all while stealing his identity. For clarification: I did call the cops, they have the bag and everything inside. The only thing is, the guy hasn't come back for the bag, and the thing about fingerprints is that it can take months to a year to get an analysis back if its not "high priority" and to them, they have homicides to deal with, so Home Invasion is kind of bottom of the ladder. They pulled the security footage from the leasing office, but nothing was found. They are going to try to get CDOT to pull the footage from the Light Rail Station down the road to see if they find anything. The thief was basically living in this dude's apartment and assumed control of his life while the guy was asleep, all while stealing his identity.