20 Einsteins Who Could Have Been Living a Whole Lot...
- Not everybody has the brain power to be the next...
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Delusional Boss Sends Ex Employee Invoice for Quitting...
- The owner of a Doggy Daycare tried to bill this person...
33 Stories About the Worst Mistake People Saw a...
- The workplace can be a tricky place to navigate at...
Having a Bad Day: 25 Times the Universe Singled...
- Life comes at you fast sometimes, and there isn't...
23 Entitled People Who Have Lost Touch With Reality
- The world has no shortage of entitled people who have...
Scammer Pretending to Be CEO, Gets Trolled
- This person got a clearly phony text from the "CEO" of...
Crazy Neighbor Demands Man Pays Medical Bills After...
- The new owners frequently asked the children not to...
22 People Lying on the Internet for Imaginary Points
- A bunch of storytellers bringing the utmost cringe.
New Boss Gets Exactly What He Wants, Loses Job
- There's a lot of dumb things to destroy your job over...
27 Times Instagram Failed When It Came To Reality
- Instagram is where shame goes to die.
22 Coworkers Satan Himself Wouldn't Work With
- They would make your day even longer.
30 Terrible Names Parents Gave Their Children
- What were they thinking?
20 People Who Are "Real Badasses"
- They need to be booted off the internet.
19 Fails to Improve Your Self-Confidence
- An attempt was made.
25 Overbearing Bosses Who Have Lost Their Dang Minds
- Have you ever heard a manager or boss say "I wouldn't...
What Were They Thinking? - 23 Insane Posts from People...
- These people need to see a shrink before they possibly...
18 Questionable Pics Packed to the Brim With Cringe
- This is real awkward.
18 Times When Someone Did Something Impressively...
- Caught in the act of dumbness.
38 People Who Couldn't Have Picked a Worse Name for...
- Everyone wants their child to be unique and special,...
30 People Who Think They Are Better Than Everybody Else
- They think the world revolves around them.
20 Epic Fails and Photoshop Flops Straight Out Of...
- What in the world were they thinking?
23 Trashy People Getting Called Out Online
- They had to expose them online.
14 Trashy People Who Need To Be Ejected From The Planet
- Something is seriously wrong with these people.
31 WTF Tattoos to Make You Think Before You Ink
- They know tattoos are permanent, right?
28 Terrible Designs that Failed in Spectacular Fashion
- They need to be shamed.
20 Insane Self Defense Tips Guaranteed to Backfire
- Don't try these.
Back to the Drawing Board: 31 Terrible Designs That...
- These should be banished.
25 Small Hills People Are Willing to Die On
- We tend to go to bat over the important things in our...
35 Moments Lawyers Knew Their Clients Messed Up Big...
- Things they didn't expect to happen.
25 Times People Said or Did Incredibly Stupid Things
- Sometimes you say something stupid, but then there's...
14 People Who F--ked Around and Found Out
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
30 Cringe Influencers Who Ruined The World Around Them
- They want attention so bad.
25 Times Safety Took a Backseat to Creativity
- What a bunch of construction nightmares.
28 Job Fails that Gave Our Interns Renewed Hope
- How does this even happen?
30 Times People Misspoke and Looked Like Total Idiots
- Autocorrect and typos can make a person look really...
35 Choosey Beggars Who Forgot How People Work
- They need a reality check.
Promoted to Customer: 30 of the Fastest Ways People...
- They never stood a chance.
27 People Who Had One Job And Failed
- How does this even happen?
23 WTF Moments of Excruciating Cringe
- Stuff full of facepalm.
27 Ways Smart People Can Be Stupid Morons
- When common sense goes out the window.
eBaum's Picks