11 Fed-Up Workers Who Got Petty Revenge On Their...
- There is nothing worst than working for a bad boss, so...
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20 Times People Enacted Master Plans of Petty Revenge
- Sometimes you have to get back at those who have...
20 Exes Who Got Even With Petty Acts of Public Revenge
- When breaking up, it’s probably the smartest thing...
20 Petty Ways People Took Revenge
- Not every situation requires full blown retaliation,...
23 People Share Pettiest Ways They’ve Gotten Their...
- "Don't get mad. Get even." — These folks, probably.
32 Examples of Perfectly Enacted Petty Revenge
- Life is all about choices. And if you want to live a...
21 Grudge Holders Share Their Proudest Petty Revenge
- Modern justice no longer functions on eye for eye...
21 People Who Served Revenge With Some Sweet Karma
- Revenge is a dish best served cold, and these people...
The Best Revenge of the Week: Guy Soaks the Backpack...
- This edition of the "week's best revenge" deals with...
Laid Off Software Developer Takes Code With Him, and...
- Bosses need to learn to stop messing with their...
Experienced Factory Employee Gets Fired While Trying...
- When one worker writes a code that drastically...
30 People Who Got Revenge On Their Enemies
- The spiciest stories of folks getting justice against...
Woman Fired From Job She Loves By Clueless Boss Exacts...
- The story of a woman whose inept manager ended her...
23 Petty Yet Ruthless Ways People Got Revenge on Their...
- They had a burning desire for revenge.
20 Hilarious and Savage Ways People Got Revenge On Bad...
- Old employees sticking it to the big man.
20 Hilarious and Savage Ways People Got Revenge On Bad...
- Old employees sticking it to the big man.
Revenge on the HOA: Guy Puts a $31 Dollar Lien on...
- After taking the HOA to court while trying to find out...
21 Petty People Who Got The Pettiest of Revenge
- Don't be mean to others... people might retaliate.
Dude Cheats on Significant Other, Finds Out Karma Is...
- This dude totally got what was coming to him. One...
Stranger Says ‘Smile, It Could Be Worse’ F**ks...
- Also stop telling strangers to smile, it's f**king...
Engineers Rack up $15K Steak Dinner after Being...
- Not invited to the party? Create your own.
Boss Makes Sick Employee Get Doctor’s Note, So They...
- Thanks to a petty doctor, this employee gets their...
Unhinged Client Thinks He Can Keep Video After Refund,...
- Here we have a story from the murky, confusing waters...
Boss Refuses to Accept Employee's Resignation, Tells...
- Yeah, that's not how any of this works.
Petty Couple Gets Revenge on D-Bag at Costco
- Costco is a different world. There are no rules when...
Bullying Entitled Debt Collectors Is Our Favorite...
- Revenge is a dish best served 'called.'
6 Sastisfying Stories of People Who Got Their Petty...
- These people got their sweet revenge in the best way.
29 People Who Were Called "Idiots" But Were Actually...
- They were right all along.
20 Wild Ways Crazy People Got Revenge
- Some creative ways to get payback.
20 Wild Ways Crazy People Got Revenge
- Some creative ways to get payback.
5 Times People Broke the Rules By Following Them
- Some beautiful stories of malicious compliance
15 Masterminds Who Exacted Petty Revenge
- How they got back at people who wronged them.
35 Creative Ways People Exacted Revenge on High School...
- How they got their payback.
21 Times ‘Petty’ Was a Total Understatement
- Do I think these people are taking revenge a bit too...
19 Times People Exacted Gloriously Petty Revenge
- People who got payback in ridiculous ways.
15 Crappy “Erotic” Games Made For Simps
- Most people like to keep their video games and porn...
Karen Throws Out Expensive Birthday Cake, Employees...
- A little malicious compliance teaches Karen a lesson.
Salesman Makes Good on Promise to Have Manager's Job...
- This is how to successfully put a bad manager in check.
20 Workers Who Got Back at Rude Customers
- Payback's a b***h.
Lady Ruins Scammer's Life After He Refuses to Pay Her...
- How the tables got turned.
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