25 Inappropriate Teachers Who Ended Up Getting Fired
Tenure helps protect some good teachers (and a few really bad ones) from getting canned. But teachers still get fired.
Published 2 years ago in Creepy
Tenure helps protect some good teachers (and a few really bad ones) from getting canned. But teachers still get fired, sometimes for insane reasons.
What are the craziest reasons of all? Thanks to Reddit we've got the answers!
What are the craziest reasons of all? Thanks to Reddit we've got the answers!
He wasn't a teacher when I knew him but this guy I went to school with ended up working there as a music teacher after we graduated. He was the band director I think. Anyway he would have the girls in band change in and out of their uniforms in one of the classrooms, while the boys changed in another.
Apparently, practice was pretty physically demanding so a lot of the girls would change from regular bras into sports bras. One day a girl noticed a laptop on the desk open with a camera connected and pointing right to where they changed. Thinking it was odd she notified another teacher, who contacted someone in IT to log into the laptop and make sure nothing fishy was going on. Well, they logged in and found GBs upon GBs of video files of girls changing in that room for the past 5 years. He's now serving 19 years in a state penitentiary. -u/OMGi_hafta_poop4
She had apparently been doing this for a while but this girl was the first one to report it. She taught home economics. While studying childcare she would demonstrate stuff for us. How to feed a baby, burp a baby, change their diaper, calm them down. She demonstrated this on one student instead of a doll. It was really bizarre.
At one point she had the student in her lap and simulated breastfeeding her. -u/cleaning-meaning7
Had a math teacher who used to teach at a different school that my brother went to. She was an amazing teacher at that school, but apparently told my brother's class she used to do drugs. When she taught at my school, she would come in late, never teach, just have study halls, and give the students worksheets with no explanations. We're all pretty sure she relapsed, and she was fired halfway through the year. -u/Girly_Attitude9
He was exposed as part of a huge prostitution sting operation and was recorded trying to negotiate services with two very young girlsv(undercover detectives) when he was arrested. He was a high school chemistry teacher and very involved in the community.
It divided the church, school, community, and obviously heavily affected his family (which is all I should say because they deserve their privacy). There was considerable gossip about him and his wife divorcing him/leaving town very shortly after ridding herself of his crap. -u/s-p-a-r-k-e-r12
Student didn’t understand the directions to something, and teacher responded by saying “what, are you on the spectrum or something?” Turns out the student was indeed on the spectrum. Surprisingly, the teacher wasn’t fired right away but he got sent over to teach at the middle school.
Not even a year later, the same teacher made fun of a student for smelling bad and wearing the same outfit two days in a row. Turns out that the student was living in a van with his mom and didn’t have access to a shower/laundry service every day. Teacher obviously got fired after that. Still blows my mind he wasn’t fired the first time. -u/bluemorphine16
One of my middle school science teachers. He was a good teacher, but wasn't the friendliest guy so most of us didn't like him very much. At some point after I had graduated high school (so, in the 90s), he took his disabled, widowed mother in, listed her as his dependent, and added her to his (very good, union-negotiated) health insurance. At some point, the district and/or the insurance company found out, and he was fired for insurance fraud, or something or other. I never liked the guy, but what the district did to him was wrong on many levels. -u/Eroe77717
She replaced all the school lunches with only cheese sandwiches, and things got so progressively worse from there that my school had a sit-in. People got arrested, the school had to hire a bunch of cops/swat to surround the building in case of a riot, and then everyone got sent home early.
She lasted only a year at the school for causing so much chaos.
Her famous line was "you get what you give" and at the sit-in someone retorted "you get what you give, but I don't remember giving anyone a cheese sandwich!" Best thing that came out of that whole sh*t show was this iconic line! -u/da_throwawayaccountt19
She flashed her tits at a Metallica concert and someone got a picture of it and started passing copies of the photo around the school.
As far as the teacher's reaction, she was neither ashamed or embarrassed about the pictures...she even told all of her classes (one of which I was in) that being we were all juniors or seniors in high school she was sure we had ALL seen "a set of naked breasts" and seeing hers "isn't a big deal to me and shouldn't be to any of you either". After that, she didn't talk about it.
As for being fired, I don't know for sure if she got fired or was "asked" to transfer...but she was no longer teaching at my school the next year. -u/Emcee_Such_N_Such21
Her kid hid his drugs in her classroom closet. Kid was always a troublemaker and got expelled, and of course, she was fired all hush-hush, but everyone knew what was really going on.
She knew he was hiding stuff in there, and when it was found apparently she started crying. Really sad actually. -u/mysterious_greenbean25
We had a younger long-term substitute teacher while I was in high school (probably 4-5 years older than most of the students). Someone thought it would be funny to invite him to a student party and he actually shows up. Dude got sh*t-faced and tried to leave with a student in his car but got pulled over for drunk driving and got arrested.
The guy showed up on Monday to teach like nothing happened and he was promptly told to leave. School had to go on damage control after that to make sure nothing else happened at this party. -u/godbullseye