What’s the One Thing You Know Satan Is Putting in Your Room When You Get To Hell
I already know I'm going to Hell, and I'd like to think that if you've ever visited this website, that you're probably well on your way.
Published 2 years ago in Creepy
I already know I'm going to Hell, and I'd like to think that if you've ever visited this website, that you're probably well on your way.
And you know what, I'm actually okay with that. I've not only come to terms with the fact that I'll be going down under, I'm now embracing it. It's a freeing feeling not having any f**ks left to give. But I guess you have to be that way if you write for eBaum's World.
Anyway, we've sourced AskReddit for the best things that Satan is going to have waiting for you in your room once you get to H-E-double hockey sticks! Enjoy.
And you know what, I'm actually okay with that. I've not only come to terms with the fact that I'll be going down under, I'm now embracing it. It's a freeing feeling not having any f**ks left to give. But I guess you have to be that way if you write for eBaum's World.
Anyway, we've sourced AskReddit for the best things that Satan is going to have waiting for you in your room once you get to H-E-double hockey sticks! Enjoy.