Airline Passengers Get Into Fight After Dude Tries to...
- Reclining your seat on a plane is one of those things...
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23 Pics of People Kicking it on '70s Flights That...
- Got a light? Or a piece of gum?
The 26 Wildest Things People Have Ever Overheard on an...
- Take off, listen in.
‘Airbus Has Elected a New CEO’: Massive Plume of...
- Welcome to the deadly skies.
Emirates Flight Crew Forced to Fight Violent Man...
- Though the passengers aboard a recent Emirates flight...
Guy Duct-Taped to Seat After Trying to Open Door...
- Always fly with a roll of duct tape — it’s good...
Air Serbia Plane Severely Damaged After Overrunning...
- It could have been so much worse — they could...
The Best Revenge of the Week: Guy Soaks the Backpack...
- This edition of the "week's best revenge" deals with...
Gold Jacket Clad Plane Passenger Shoves People When...
- Getting off of an airplane is a frustrating experience.
The Starting 11 Airplane Freakout Dream Team
- With so many flight freakouts caught on video these...
Man Watching ‘The Office’ on Delta Flight Has No...
- Flying first class definitely has its perks. Unless of...
Watch Two Guys Crash Land Their Plane after an Engine...
- Nothing like a good old engine failure mid-air to get...
Crazy Shape-Shifting UFO Captured by Airplane...
- A clip from a Canadian News Station that shows a...
Flight Tracker App Shows Just How Close Planes Came To...
- If you've ever wondered what goes on 'behind the...
Flight Tracker App Shows Just How Close Planes Came To...
- If you've ever wondered what goes on 'behind the...
Southwest Airlines Meltdown Has the Internet in a...
- Since the weather took a turn for the worst on...
Foam Airplane Thrown From NYC Skyscraper Keeps Going...
- The best things in life are simple pleasures.
1920s Hero Saves Pilot by Swapping Planes and...
- Gladys Ingle apparently made over 300 mid-air...
Biggest Foam Plane Kamakazied by Hundreds of RC Planes
- Take a look at this awesome RC dogfight!
Insanely Low Plane Nearly Hits Bystanders at Greece's...
- What goes perfectly with a nice relaxing day at the...
Flying on Airplanes Should Be Way More Fun
- Flying sucks but airplanes are awesome. How can we fix...
25 Things That Stopped Being Cool a Decade Ago
- These things were so cool back in the day, but if you...
15 Banned Items You Can't Take On An Airplane
- While some of these items you'll have to check below...
New Influencer Only Airline Is Everything Wrong With...
- Willa Air, a brand new private airline has announced...
Dude Skypes His Mom and Dad While Jumping Out of an...
- While traveling the world, a young man video calls his...
Huge Plane Has an Uncomfortably Close Encounter with...
- While it is unclear if this is some type of training...
Plane Gets Stuck under Overpass and Someone Is Getting...
- Here's something you don't see every day. A plane...
Bill Burr's Hilarious Rant about the Airline Boarding...
- A funny clip from Conan where Bill Burr talks about...
Red Bull Pilot Pulls off First Flight Through Two...
- Steady hands and balls of steel are on display here.
What It Takes to Fly The $340 Million C-17 Globemaster...
- One of the biggest cargo planes in the world, the C-17...
16 Cool Things to Check Out While Waiting for Your...
- The airport is basically a different world. Dads...
Jay Leno Casually Appears Out of the Nose of an...
- Video surfaced of Jay Leno appearing from the nose of...
Student Pilot Loses Engine, Emergency Lands Like a Boss
- Thanks to remembering his training (and having some...
Massive Airplane Comes in Low and Slow for the Landing
- A guy records what at first appears to be an aircraft...
F-16 Fighter Jet Flies Extremely Low Over Spectators
- Aviation enthusiasts were treated to a once in a...
Dude Goes Flying With Friend Who Doesn't Know He's a...
- He gives him a story about 'watching lots of videos on...
Solar Eclipse Seen From an Airplane
- Most of us only ever see an eclipse from the ground,...
Thoughtful Airline Employee Returns Little Boy's Lost...
- A young boy who lost one of his favorite toys while...
Boeing 777 Engine Bursts into Flames and Forces...
- Thankfully no one was hurt.
Flight Attendant Sent Flying into Beverage Cart During...
- Nervous passengers during a very turbulent flight got...
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