Secret Footage Of Trump's Inauguration Released To...
- Video the government doesn't want you to see!
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Patriotic Piano-Playing Chicken Pecks Its Way Through...
- This is how you make an instant classic.
Two Sisters, Each Adopted From China by Different...
- Why did they have to do this on live t.v.? And why did...
50 Hilariously Accurate Photos that Sums Up Each...
- 50 pics that perfectly describe the individual states...
25 Funniest Reviews For This "Make America Great...
- Always read the product reviews before you buy online!
Making Home Alone 2 Great Again
- Who knew that this sequel to a Christmas classic would...
Crash Testing America's Cheapest Nissan VS Mexico's...
- Footage of a brutal head-on collision between a 2015...
The 20 Most Dangerous Cities In America
- Check to see if the city you live in made the list!
The NRA's New Ad Takes Direct Aim At Iran
- "Freedoms safest place", you haven't met America!
Three Old Photos From The 1900's Turned Into Stunning...
- Photographer and animator Alexey Zakharov of Moscow...
16 Awesome GIFs of Badass Weapons Firing
- Exercising the right to kick ass, and take names.
How To Make Fried Chicken Like They Did In The 18th...
- This recipe comes from Nathan Bailey's 1736 cookbook,...
Crazy Hypnotism on America's Got Talent Real Or Fake?
- You'll be surprised at what he can get Howie Mandel to...
Hilarious Pics About America That Are On Point
- Celebrate your freedom by laughing at some bickering...
Random Facts To Cure Your Tuesday Morning Blues
- I bet you didn't know . . .
A Simpsons Picture Leads To A Conversation About The...
- The insights are something that might shock you.
The New Captain America Civil War Trailer Is Insane
- Things are about to get a whole lot more interesting!
Donald Trump Says There Is Nothing Wrong With The Size...
- Its about time someone started talking about the real...
20 Of The Best Stand Up Comedy Jokes
- Some of the best one liners from stand up comedians...
16 Hilarious Times America Got Roasted on Tumblr
- What is there not to love about the American dream?
34 Stunning Russian Facts
- In Russia facts entertain you!
30 Highly Interesting Facts About Mexico
- Interesting info about our neighbors south of the...
18 Times Russia Failed Miserably When Copying America
- “We can do that better, all we need is a little...
How Ahmed The 'Clock Boy' Conned America
- The entire thing was bullshit, intentional, and blown...
Three Random Guys Sing Together
- Three grown men sing together in a very human moment.
America The Corporatocracy
- A recent study at Princeton University has concluded...
Have You Ever Seen a Champion MMA Fighter With a Beer...
- Not bad for a 39 year old guy that weighs in over...
18 Things You Can Relate To
- Truths about life that you may have observed.
Shocking Conspiracies Uncovered By Tumblr
- Wake up America! Tumblr is using its resources to...
Guy's Epic Rant To All The "Cop Haters"
- I think it needs a few more F-bombs. (NSFW Language)
US & Korea Live Fire Military Exercise
- I'm kind of digging the soundtrack for WW3.
F35 Fires 181 Rounds In Seconds
- That's a LOT of bullets.
7 Bernie Sanders Jokes to Get You in The Mood For...
- Somebody is going to be president. Could it be this...
16 Super Lazy Items You Can Actually Buy
- Have people gotten THIS lazy?
12 Hilarious Donald Trump Jokes to Get You Ready for...
- This should get you in the mood for the first GOP...
Canadian Couple Built Their Own Self-Sustaining Island
- They spent decades building their own island and...
33 Glorious ‘Murica Pictures
- Because 'Murica! That's why!
23 Bizzare Pictures From The Past
- This is how they did it back in the day.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Nothing cures a weekend hangover like a fresh batch of...
People Will Believe Just About Anything
- This fake reporter isn't afraid to ask the tough...
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