News Reporter Pick-A-Dick Blooper
- News reporter talking about a sausage competition.
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News Anchors Cockfighting Blooper
- News anchors giggle throughout this funny segment on...
Hanukkah Kid Blooper
- Check out the kid on the right.
And Then There Were Boobs...
- We've all been there
Fox News Shepards Smith Blooper
- London's Top what?
1st Baseman Gets Hit In Face
- Check out the guy in the background - smack!
Fox 5 News Jet Pack Fail
- Arent JET packs supposed to fly and not swim?
Shania Twain Busts Her Ass On Live TV
- Don't worry, Shania. I'll kiss it make it all...
Hot News Reporter Ambushed By Crazy Canucks Hockey Fans
Stupid Reporter on Live TV
- WTNH News 8 Reporter messed up her intro and calls...
"President Obama is in Fact DEAD"
- FOX fails again?? Originally recorded at:
Fox News "Obama is Dead"
- Geraldo Rivera freudian slips "Obama is dead, I don't...
Knockout From Bike Ramp
- Dude wake up...Are you snoring?
Flatbed Faceplant
- kid attempts to jump off the back of a truck...
Ridiculous Marathon Finish
- I admit I laughed.
Man Almost Falls Off Hang Glider
Wedding Dance Faceplant
- Jiggle jiggle WHAM!
Piano Falls Off Truck
- Might as well haul it to the junkyard now
Drunk Girl Dancing Fail
- Ouch, that must have hurt!
Speeding Fail
- Morons forgot there was a turn in the road.
Kid Lands Wheelyboard Trick and All Hell Breaks Loose
- kid boardslides down mini handrail and jisms.
Flaming Ramp Fail
- Leave the Jackass stunts to Steve-o buddy
Driveby Head Bang Fail
- While making a shitty looking movie one of the actors...
Hot Chick Gives Lap Dance During Cowboys Game
- Anything to take their mind off the 2-7 record the...
Fat Kid Falls Through Roof
- Either lay off the donuts or don't walk on the roof,...
Drunk Chick Falls Off Boat
- Shake that ass right off the boat
Awesome Zipper Face Mask
- This looks so realistic it's scary
Bus Goes Out Of Control
- It's like bumper cars...but with a bus.
Skateboard Faceplant Concussion
- Durrrrrr derrrrr
Batshit Crazy Lady
- Someone discovered ManyCam
Little Girl Gets Owned By Trampoline Accident
- Wait for it..Wait for it...Wahhhhhhh.
Rope Swing Fail
- Yep, It's the fat kid.
Lady Drives The Wrong Way On Interstate
- Caught On Tape A senile Old Lady Driving the Wrong Way...
Little Kid Blooms Himself
- I think the dad was recording it.
Peace Through Face Sitting
- Seriously? People fall for this?
Ninja Vs. Police
- This dude is crazy lol
Girl Gets Knocked In Head During Pinata Accident
- Where's the candy?
Man Stuck in Toilet
- A Man Tries to make a call from the toilet bowl...
I Love Live TV
- News anchor gets a paper cut on live television!
Wheel of Fortune Dumbass
- This guy is not too bright...he even makes Pat stumble...
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