25 Things Drunk Me Did That Sober Me Would Never Think...
- We normally associate being drunk with making bad...
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Drunk Son Accidentally Ruins Dad's Surprise Birthday...
- This guy was just trying to talk some trash to his dad...
Max Scherzer Was Good and Drunk after Win over...
- After winning the NL Wild Card game 3-1 against the...
Drunk Dude Jumps into Ostrich Enclosure, Gets Leveled
- Maybe it's best not to jump into an ostrich enclosure...
15 Drinking Games College Taught Us to Play like a...
- We've collected 15 of the most iconic drinking games...
Nicolas Cage Kicked Out of Vegas Bar For Being Drunk...
- In his defense, it seems like a very Nicolas Cage kind...
Arrest Footage of Drunkest Guy Ever is a WTF Gift that...
- Amazingly intoxicated 21-year old, Noah, was arrested...
Wisconsin Badgers’ Pregame Tradition Is Back and We...
- This one tops them all. The student section at...
32 NFL Teams Ranked from Least to Most Drunk
- It's pretty simple. We scoured through the NFL player...
Drunk Man Performs Impressive Shoulder Throw on Cop,...
- An intoxicated Wisconsin man was caught on camera...
DUI Driver Wants to Skip the Games and Go to Jail...
- This man, Lenny Leroy Gums from La Crosse, WI, was...
Highest Man in the World Smashes Cop Car, Destroys...
- 19 year old Jacob Swalbach was driving under a hell of...
Guy Records Worst Tinder Date Ever
- A first date can be an awkward affair. But this lady...
Helplessly Drunk Driver Hands Cop Everything But Her...
- This cop in Canada pulls over a suspected DUI driver...
Hilarious Cop Exposes Just How Drunk This Kid Was
- This cop had a hunch, and, seemingly, a sense of humor.
'Days of Thunder' Deserves Its Own Drinking Game, So...
- Because one of the best movies about NASCAR starring...
31 Memes That Perfectly Capture the Wedding Planning...
- Anybody who has ever planned a wedding, let alone...
Guy Watches His Drunk Friend Faceplant into a Campfire
- It looked like he was going to add some more wood to...
Man Creates Literal S**tshow at Kid Rock Steakhouse,...
- Everybody's job can be crappy. But not this crappy.
Dad Has Questions for Babysitter Who Let Son Steal...
- You can't even be mad at this kid.
Baby Formula Beer Bong Is about to Be the Next Big...
- "Damn bro, where'd you learn to drink like that?"
Bam Margera's Latest Breakdown May Be the Saddest Yet
- This dude needs help.
Craig Ferguson on Alcoholism and Britney Spears Is a...
- Craig seems like a solid dude.
Flaming Head Drinking Game Ends in Near Disaster for...
- If you're bald, is this more or less dangerous?
12 Year Old Has Some Naughty Words For Streamer...
- Pokimane is just minding her own business playing some...
20 Penny Pinching Tales of People Being Incredibly...
- There's a fine line between cheap and genius.
Uber Passenger Gets in Wrong Car, Hilarity Ensues
- Props to this driver for being so cool about the whole...
Guy Nearly Burns Himself Alive in an Elevator after...
- This moron was trying to light a "flaming drink" and...
Wendy Williams Bizarre Behavior on a Recent Episode...
- On the October 23rd episode of "The Wendy Williams...
Soulja Boy Gets Too High while Gaming and Forgets to...
- Use caution when smoking cannabis while gaming.
After 'VR Troopers' Got Canceled, Cast Got Drunk and...
- You may remember 'VR Troopers' as being Saban...
24 Before and After Pics of People Who Quit Drugs
- They got their lives back in order.
Guy Attempts the Power Drill Beer Chug and Ends up...
- +10 respect for the effort.
Woman Who Left Fake Negative Review Gets Owned by...
- Take several seats, Jo. You're about to get wrecked.
Citizens Watch in Disbelief as Cops Let a Drunk Driver...
- Footage of the bizarre incident has ended up on local...
Laura Loomer Hitting On Some Poor Guy In a Bar
- She has her sights set on him tonight and the grip to...
Bud Light Is Trying to Get Gamers to Drink More with...
- How they plan to beat out Red Bull and Monster to be...
23 Things Everyone Experienced in College
- It's technically possible to live off of microwave mac...
Drunk Girl's Lack of Coordination Leaves Her Laying on...
- This has to be the most ungracious fall I've ever...
Drunk Girl Leaves Her New Crush Ryan a Fantastic...
- Love at first sight. This girl sounds like a keeper....
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