Not How that Works: 22 People Struggling With the...
- That ain't the right word bro.
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25 Words That Give Us Way Too Much Joy When Said Out...
- Everybody laughs at a good joke. But sometimes, we...
Reporter Speaks Six Languages Fluently and We’re...
- Meet Philip Crowther, the baller who speaks six...
30 People Who Got Owned by the English Language
- To be totally fair, English blows.
38 People Who Didn't Pass English
- They need to go back to school.
22 Clueless People Who Need to Go Back to School
- Some people who still can't seem to grasp basic...
Man Speaks Perfect English but I Don't Understand a...
- This guy could BS his way out of a pile of cow dung.
16 Strange Word Origins That No One Would Expect
- Bet you didn't know where all these words came from.
38 Cool Origin Stories to Everyday Sayings
- Now you know!
Viggo Mortensen Speaking 7 Languages
- Here is the King of Gondor speaking English, Spanish,...
Asking Werner Herzog How Many Language He Speaks
- He said he would only speak French with a gun to his...
27 People Too Smart for the English Language
- Poetry is all around us.
Girl Considered 'Slow' Reader Crushes Schoolwide...
- The best way to shut up your haters is to absolutely...
32 People Who Never Learned How to Spell
- English...can you speak it?
A Quick Defense of the English Language
- There's a popular saying that English is actually...
French Kid Reading First Book in English Gets...
- A genuinely hilarious case of linguistic...
Mean, Lazy Teacher Finally Picks the Wrong Student to...
- He kept all the receipts and played his hand perfectly...
32 People Who Failed English Class
- That's not the word you're looking for.
Bumbling Criminal Outruns Cops and Get Sports...
- How can this many cops be so bad at catching just one...
Dubbing Over 'Revenge of the Sith' Using a Chinese...
- You know what? It actually makes it a better movie!
Entitled Racist Rants at Asian Employees for Speaking...
- That's a great example you're setting for your kid...
Mean English Teacher Gets Well-Deserved Justice in the...
- This is so satisfying.
Smash Mouth's "All Star" Becomes Comedy Gold After...
- This is incredibly silly, but it genuinely made me...
Chewbacca Speaking English On Set To Give Han Solo...
- Call me an idiot, but I never thought about the fact...
French People Saying English Words is Better Than...
- English is hard! So this video takes French people and...
Bulldog Crushes Agility Course At Dog Show
- Go fatso go!
30 Amazing Memes About 21 Savage's British Background
- Grammy-nominated rapper 21 Savage was arrested in...
Playboy Model Doing Laundry Gets Sexually Assaulted by...
- In footage caught on the hotel’s surveillance...
16 Origins of Commonly Used Phrases No One Remembers...
- Did you know where these phrases came from? I bet your...
27 Times People Should Have Proof Read Better
- Our public school systems have failed us again.
American Customers Refused Service Because they Speak...
- You can't even order a taco in English anymore...
Why Do We Say OK?
- How a cheesy joke from the 1830s became the most...
Royal Guard Shows No Mercy for Clueless Tourist Lady
- She had no idea what hit her.
Perfect English Gentleman Keeps Calm During Road Rage...
- This other dude needs to chill.
College Student Learns A Valuable Lesson From The...
- In a world of Richards, we need more people like Tom,...
Japanese Voice Actors Try to Speak English in Anime...
- These Japanese voice actors give it their best... and...
English Lad Nails Every Accent That Is Thrown At Him
- This lad is the master of accents, hear him speak!
When Your Crush Agrees To Talk To You On Skype...
- I think he is in love.
Chris Pratt's PERFECT English Accent
- He has them all fooled!
Haunted Castle's Ghost Captured On Film
- Tutbury Castle’s notorious phantom "The Keeper", may...
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