All the Best J.D. Vance Memes and Edits
- His couch will never call him back after seeing these.
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Man Pours Bleach On His Face For Clout
- In all my years of being online, I can confidently say...
Girl's Face Is Hilariously Transformed As She Pulls...
- Even the best-looking people among us can't look good...
Simon Cowell Sparks Concern From Fans After Posting...
- On Thursday, December 1, the notoriously harsh judge...
Daughter of a Serial Killer Shares ‘Gifts’ Her...
- Melissa Moore gives us an inside look at what life is...
Body Paint Packaging Goes From Okay to 'No They Didn't'
- They didn't have to do this.
25 Men Reveal Secrets They’ve Kept from Women
- A big part of bro code is keeping things a secret....
51 Funny Facepalms of Silly Fools
- Get ready to put your face in your palm.
24 Facepalms That Are The Epitome of Cringe
- Prep your face for your palm's arrival.
25 Lies Adults Like to Tell Kids
- We learn a lot about the world from our teachers. And...
Aaron Rodgers Throws a Bomb and Nails a Guy Right in...
- To be fair, the dude yelled "hit me, I'm open" so...
10 WTF Pics of Faces in Everyday Items
- Private eyes *clap* are watching you *clap clap*. If...
Male Cheerleader Makes Helluva Catch
- "Oh nooooo, I'm soooo clumsy. Darrrrn. Let's run that...
Met's Batter Kevin Pillar Takes a 94 Mph Fastball to...
- Mets' Kevin Pillar was hit in face by 94 mph fastball...
Youtuber Suffered Life Threatening Injuries After His...
- A youtuber with 1.5M subscribers that goes by the...
Did Rudy Giuliani Just Blow His Nose and Wipe it All...
- During a press conference about the election and the...
Personal Trainer Forces a Beefer Out of a Client That...
- This unlucky personal trainer squeezed more than the...
Donald Trump Wants to Be Added to Mount Rushmore
- The idea was met with insults and ridicule, but we...
Douche Nails His Girlfriend in the Face With a Soccer...
- She was just trying to get her tan on when her asshat...
Karen Coughs in the Face of a Cancer Patient at Pier...
- Karen flips off and coughs a woman at Pier One Imports.
West Palm Beach Town Meeting Plays Out Like a Scene...
- So far, 2020 feels like we’re living in an episode...
Florida Women Don't Need Masks or Underwear as Long as...
- "Ma'am, this is an Arby's. Either order something or...
Guys Shows up at Toronto BLM Protest in Full Black...
- He even painted his hands and died his hair. What was...
30 Brutal Mashups You Definitely Didn't Ask For
- But they sure are perfect
Genius Intentionally Shoots Himself in the Face with a...
- At least he wore safety goggles... Don't try this at...
25 Pics That Put a Smile On Our Faces
- It's nice to have the occasional reminder that life is...
This Is How Brutal Iron Mike Tyson Was, Because You...
- Whether you have the coronavirus or you're just...
Armed Robber Has a Change of Heart After Realizing How...
- When Luke Jones put the gun in her face she began to...
Officials Warning People Not to Touch Their Faces Keep...
- Not so good at practicing what they preach, are they?
Twitter Roasts Amber Rose for Her New Face Tats
- Honestly, we don't give a damn what Amber Rose does as...
Terrifying Fish Has The Face of a Human
- This rarely photographed specimen was recently spotted...
College QB Drills Cheerleader in the Face with a Long...
- During last night’s Notre Dame-Louisville game,...
A "Giant Alien Face" Was Recently Discovered in...
- Is this a natural formation, or perhaps something a...
Officer Caught off Guard after Suspect Farts Right in...
- Oh that's just nasty bro... how about a warning next...
Girl Struck In Face By Bird While Riding Roller Coaster
- Incident happened on DC Rivals Hypercoaster roller...
Drugged Out Festival Girl Has Lost all Control of Her...
- I'm not sure what drug causes this but forget about...
FaceApp's Terms And Services Says They Use Your Photos...
- If you used your photo in FaceApp I have bad news for...
Self-Proclaimed Instagram "Dream Girl" Is Built Like A...
- No, that's not Photoshop. This silicone-filled "dream...
Baby Killer Gets 25 Years, Then Gets Punched In The...
- Kwin Boes of Indiana had already been sentenced to 25...
Sleeping Man Has Ridiculously Slow Reaction Time To...
- How did he not notice sooner?!?
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