Dude Gets Swerved on Live TV While Trying to Bring...
- A villain was born yesterday at the U.S. Open.
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We've Made a Huge Mistake: 24 Companies That Were...
- As times and technologies fade, so do companies.
'Stampedes, Half-Built Stages and Angry EDM Bros': All...
- Mere hours before major acts like Galantis, Excision,...
Task Failed Successfully: 26 People Who Perfected the...
- An attempt was made but they missed the mark.
27 Hilarious Times the Instructions Were Unclear
- Funny examples of when people don't understand the...
Base Jump Gone Wrong Ends With Jumper Hanging From Tree
- This would be enough to change my hobbies.
28 Times Expectations Were Destroyed By Reality
- Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it....
36 People Who Didn't Do Their Only Job
- It's not like they had to multitask here.
23 People Who Didn't Do Their Only Job
- It's not like they had multiple responsibilities.
19 Fails to Improve Your Self-Confidence
- An attempt was made.
23 Stupid Things Posted Online
- You'll wish you couldn't read.
Influencer Mocked For Taking Hotdog Selfie at the...
- The titktok page Influencers in the wild, posted the...
32 Pics That Suggest We Live In A Dystopian Society
- The world has changed a lot in the last ten years, and...
Armored Car Driver With Balls of Steel Thwarts Robbery...
- This is like a live-action version of a scene from GTA...
Mean, Lazy Teacher Finally Picks the Wrong Student to...
- He kept all the receipts and played his hand perfectly...
Police Make Short Work of Dismantling the "CHOP" Zone...
- Local law enforcement moved in to clean up the Capitol...
People Who Tried and Failed (22 Pics)
- Well, at least they tried.
22 People Who Tried and Failed
- These people had one job and they did it to the least...
40 People Who Tried and Failed
- Sometime things don't always go our way and we have no...
Bite Sized Batch of Funny Pics and Memes To Make You...
- Funny pics for you when you need to take a break.
The Laws of Physics Give a Road-Raging Biker a Taste...
- Physics can be such a heartless b*tch sometimes.
Woman Rolls Backwards into a River After Crappy Brake...
- Warning: *Volume Alert* This woman got the shock of...
Guy Gets Matching Tattoo With His Dog And Instantly...
- When this guy noticed a tattoo on his dog, he wanted...
30 Wardrobe Malfunctions
- Somehow these made it into the stores.
25 People Who Failed At Photoshop
- There is no amount of editing that can hide this...
This Is Why Steph Curry Should Stick To Shooting Threes
- Stephen Curry from the Golden State Warriors...
23 People Who Failed Terribly At Life
- Failures that are too screwed up to be real.
Google Ends Google+ After Massive Data Breach
- If Google+ dies in a forest and no one is around to...
Wannabe Carjackers get Wrecked by their Would-Be Victim
- The driver didn't take this failed auto robbery...
25 Designs That Had Good Intentions But Failed...
- Here are some product designs that just didn't turn...
28 Times Keyboard Warriors Failed Hard Online
- That awkward moment when you start to choke on all...
Jewelry Heist Goes Terribly Wrong And It's Hilarious
- They would have got away with the loot if it wasn't...
35 Designers Who Had One Job, And Failed Spectacularly.
- How does this even happen?
Woman's Failed Bungee Jump From Bridge in Santa Cruz
- Isn't someone supposed to measure the bungee cord...
This Robber Clearly Failed Geometry Class
- An easy getaway is foiled by a lack of planning.
34 People Who Failed Super Hard
- You win some and you lose way more
18 Times Russia Failed Miserably When Copying America
- “We can do that better, all we need is a little...
Pregnancy Announcement On Facebook Goes Really Wrong
- If you're scandalous you should probably think twice...
19 Epic Moments On Snapchat
- Clever people sending hilarious pics through the...
News Station Uses Offensive Nazi Symbol During...
- A Chicago news station accidentally aired a symbol...
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