Totally Brainwashed: 16 Disturbing Cults That Sucked...
- Drink the Kool-Aid ... or don't. Actually, please...
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Facebook's Head of Global Community Development Fired...
- Jeren Miles has since been terminated from his...
Dude on Podcast Thought Wind Turbines were Fans to...
- A funny short clip from "The 90's Room" where one of...
15 Beauty Queens Show How They Look Without Makeup
- Not surprisingly, the certifiably most beautiful women...
Students in Other Countries Reveal What They're Taught...
- Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's mostly stuff about WWII,...
Here's What Outsiders Looking at America Are Currently...
- The world is watching.
22 Stunning Photos From a Global Architecture...
- These are the 22 stunning photos that are featured as...
John Oliver's Latest Coronavirus Update Has Us Asking...
- Honestly, this whole thing is just getting way out of...
Cop Goes the Hell Off on a Driver Who Tried to Push...
- A man driving a truck tried to force his way through a...
Photos And Tweets From The #ClimateStrike Happening...
- The time to act is now.
27 Images To Remind You That The Heat Wave Of 2019 Is...
- Al Gore warned us about global warming (and...
Polar Bears Are Completely Taking Over A Russian Town
- High temperatures in the Arctic area are causing polar...
Doing The Harba Shuffle Dance Around The World
- These girls have got some skills.
Frozen Sharks And Bomb Cyclones, This Is Not A Drill
- Winter is here and it's trying to kill you.
Survive Anything With This Global Expedition RV
- When the zombie apocalypse comes you're going to wish...
Tourists Watch An Iceberg Bridge Collapse In Greenland
- Spectators witness a once in a lifetime event, up...
Breitbart Uses a Weather Channel Clip to Claim "Global...
- Conservative news site, Breitbart.com, recently...
Bill Nye Makes A $20,000 Bet With A Climate Change...
- It's time to put your money where your mouth is Mr....
Amazing Footage of a Massive Iceberg Breaking Apart
- An enormous chunk of ice splits in two on camera.
Jurassic World - Official Global Trailer
- The park opens June 12th.
Beauty Standards Around The World
- One woman's global Photoshop experiment yielded...
Weather Vs. Climate Change
- Neil deGrasse Tyson breaks it down and drops some...
Anonymous: Expect Us
- This was a busy year for the hacktivists, what will...
Chasing Ice Movie Reveals Massive Iceberg Break-Up
- The largest iceberg break-up ever caught on film!
32 Vintage Photos That Portray Some of History's Most...
- A minute to reflect.
I Want To Go There!
- EPIC Bucket-List Finds
Imploding Iceberg
- Scary iceberg implosion in Antarctica
eBaum's World Logo Contest
- In the spirit of the Ron English Smiley Skull from The...
The Detroit Project: Part 3
- Ron English and fam destroy The Packard Plant. click...
The Detroit Project: Part 2
- Ron English and fam hit Detroit. click to view all...
The Detroit Project: Part 1
- Ron English and his family Leave New York. click to...
Newscaster Wins Lotto Home Drawing On The AIr
- 2 Million Dollar Home.
This Brilliant Girl Has The Solution To Global Warming
- Get ready for the next big discovery of the modern era!
Reporter Fail
- Another reporter has a touch of the 'tard on live TV
The Most Depressing Graduation Speech Ever
- Instead of providing encouragement for the graduates...
Climate Scientist in Copenhagen Has Heart Attack on...
- Panelist has a massive heart attack recorded live on...
Stop Global Warming
- A sad animation of what will happen to the animals if...
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