'Penile-ized': Angry Man Enacts Dildo-Justice On...
- Sometimes we don't need all the context for a video to...
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70's Justice League Heroes Imagined by A.I.
- Take a look at what Artificial Intelligence thinks...
Woman Fired From Job She Loves By Clueless Boss Exacts...
- The story of a woman whose inept manager ended her...
All the Dunks on Justin Roiland's "Justice" Tweet
- The disgraced writer posted a photo to his Instagram...
21 Petty People Who Got The Pettiest of Revenge
- Don't be mean to others... people might retaliate.
Right to the Garbage Compactor: 40 Times The Universe...
- Moments when life seems like it is unfair or people...
25 Facts You Didn't Know About the Roman Empire
- The Roman Empire changed the face of the world as we...
What It's Like to Interrogate a Career Criminal
- This is the interrogation of Mark Dencklau, the...
19 Ex-Cons Share Habits They Still Have From Prison
- Ex-Cons share the prison habits they couldn't shake.
27 Savage Memes Not For the Sensitive Sallys
- People are too easily offended these days and if you...
6 Sastisfying Stories of People Who Got Their Petty...
- These people got their sweet revenge in the best way.
25 Signs That Our Future Is Doomed
- Most of us try to remain optimistic from day to day....
30 Righteous Times When Justice Was Served
- It's hard to keep faith when everything around you...
Scumbag Neighbor Caught Stealing, Humiliated In Front...
- This is pretty damn satisfying. After being completely...
Karen Mom Drives Drunk to Pick Up Son From Accident,...
- Maybe the lesson here is that great no one in this...
25 Movies and Shows That Are A Complete Waste Of Time
- The holidays are nearly here. And that means time with...
Florida Sheriff's Brief But Spectaular Take on Mental...
- Jail is *not* an appropriate place for people with...
Detroit Woman Tracks Down and Recovers Stolen Car All...
- Using social media clues and some determined detective...
Hilarious Farmer Leaves WTF Present for Pesky Tourist...
- A tourist to the local area decided to park his car in...
Justice Served Almost Instantly to Road Raging Idiots
- Not sure what happened before the clip starts, but it...
Man Unleashes Road Rage With the Worst Timing in...
- You should look both ways when crossing the road. As...
Karen Couple Demand Free Food, Hilarious Employee...
- These two chavs thought they could finagle some free...
Bike Thief is Served Some Instant Karma by Original...
- This thief got a double-dollop of justice when the guy...
Rude Guest Tries to Ruin Desk Clerk's Life Because...
- People who try to ruin other people's lives just for...
Guy Teaches Snobby Aunt Who Tormented His Family a...
- Karma always comes for you in the end.
17 Times Vigilante Justice Actually Seemed Fitting
- Sometimes, the law alone just can't provide the...
Angry Dad Forces Bratty Son to Apologize After...
- Couple of rude teens are recorded cursing at...
23 Times that Justice Was Served Correctly
- Karma gets it right sometimes.
Man Who Served 20+ Years For Crime He Didn't Commit Is...
- Daniel Villegas served over 20 years in prison for a...
Scumbags Buying Up and Reselling Hand Sanitizer Get...
- Matt and Noah found themselves in the headlines for...
Hollywood Predator Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to 23...
- Harvey Weinstein is going to jail for a long, long...
Miami Driver Gets Into an Accident While Fleeing...
- Props to the cameraman for staying put and committing...
Attempted Robbery Is Foiled When Store Clerk Returns...
- An armed man attempted to rob a smoke shop in Austin,...
Customer Stops Shoplifter Running from Cop With his...
- A Walmart shopper steps up to help police catch a...
Times Karma Was a B****
- These folks got what they deserved.
Mean English Teacher Gets Well-Deserved Justice in the...
- This is so satisfying.
Dude Moves a Cone to Block a Lady Trying to Use the...
- A couple trying to cut in NYC traffic met their match...
Car Owner Tracks Down Thieves and Live Streams...
- Thieves steal car and wallet from owner of a Pet...
17 Times Internet Warriors Took Things A Step Too Far
- In a world on fire, only the insane are the sane ones.
19 Times People Took Things Too Far
- This ain't it chief!
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