Male Reporter Hits on Westboro Church Male Member
- A male members of the Westboro Church (aka the God...
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How to Go to Heaven
- A teacher was testing the children in her Sunday...
Jesus Held Hostage
- Some angry neighbors get revenge on an old lady who...
Timmy's Wish
- Not for the easily offended. Jesus answers little...
Religious Moron
- This crazy lady acts a damn fool in a coffee shop.
Leaked Tom Cruise Scientology Clip
- The controversial Scientology video featuring Tom...
Big Fibbin
- The Westboro Baptist Church (known for protesting at...
Bible Show Call
- Listen in as T-Dawg calls into the religious show...
Moving a Church
- See how this group moves a 100 year old church to a...
Candy for Oral
- In a small cathedral, a janitor was cleaning the pews...
Satan and Santa
- Two boys are walking home from Sunday school after...
Help the Rabbi
- A rabbi gets in front of his congregation and says...
Pope Flight
- A shy gentleman was preparing to board a plane when he...
An Arm and a Leg
- Adam was walking around the garden of Eden, moping....
Wine Tasting
- Mother Superior calls all the nuns together and says...
Who is God?
- A little kid asks his father, "Daddy, is God a man or...
Looking For a Miracle
- A broke blonde decides to ask God for help. Dear Lord,...
Islamic Wife Beating
- This guy has some pretty twisted views on the...
Faith Healer Video
- A great video of "faith" healers set to some...
Failed Healing
- This "healer" tries everything to heal the caller,...
Jewish Parent Prank
- Wayback WHENsday: Radio show prank calls girl's devout...
Prank on Picketers
- These guys pull a prank on religious picketers.
10 Things I hate About...
- What if the classic movie "The Ten Commandments" was...
WayBack WHENsday: Farting Preacher 5
- The classic series returns!
John Daker - Weird Singing Man
- This weird guy attempts to sing a couple classics.
Farting Preacher 3
- Farting Preacher Part 3.
Farting Preacher 4
- The Farting Preacher is back again.
Dirty Preacher
- Another Freudian Slip, this time of the secular...
WayBack WHENsday: Spirit of Truth
- Classic: This preacher drops more profanities than we...
Farting Preacher
- This gives new meaning to being full of hot air.
The Host Barn
- For those who can't get enough Christ in your diet.
Flawed Logic
- Banana proves that God exists.
eBaum's Picks