A Look At The Highest Vantage Points In Video Games
- The popularity of free roam games is on top of the...
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College Kicker Misses FG to Keep Score at 69, Because...
- The hero we need. Mercer's kicker, Caleb Dowden missed...
10 Characters Who Are Probably Into Kinky Sh*t
- We only know so much about video game personalities....
Ten Iconic Couples That Give Us Swinger Vibes
- Video games have plenty of couples. After all, the...
15 Crappy “Erotic” Games Made For Simps
- Most people like to keep their video games and porn...
Abandoned Sex Doll Prompts Search and Rescue in Japan
- And it's not the first time this has happened.
30 Games With The Lowest User Scores On Metacritic
- Living in the internet age has given us the ability to...
15 “Didn’t Matter Had Sex” Moments In Video Games
- Gaming and sexual themes have a history. From the 8bit...
12 Twisted Games That Never Should Have Been Released
- *Warning: Disturbing Themes* Sexual themes and...
Apparently Men Sleeping with Men Isn't Gay?
- He has an interesting point but seems to kind of miss...
Uncle's Awkward Dating Profile for His Nephew Is...
- Family comes first, always.
Dad's PowerPoint on Dating in Your 40s Is Sadly...
- DILF TikTok is the latest, terrible trend.
16 Naughty Muncher Memes to 'Bust' Your 'Ghost'
- No judgements here, whatever floats your boat.
Dad Gets Way Too Comfortable on VR Date
- Step aside, son. I'll show you how it's done.
Behold the Nut-Stopping, Bluetooth-Equipped Taint...
- And now for something completely different...
37 People Share Their First Date Nightmares
- These first dates might be your last.
10 Female OnlyFans Accounts that are Owning 2021
- OnlyFans is a subscription-based content service and...
Streamers Defend CallMeCarson, Say He's Not a Pedophile
- Is it so wrong for a 19 y/o to sext with a 17 y/o?
30 Funny Memes about Marriage to Start a Fight
- These jokes might be too real for some.
25 Best Gaming Memes and Jokes from This Year
- No lag, just laughter.
'Cyberpunk 2077' Developer Says Excessive Dildos...
- Gives a new meaning to "slappers only."
Streamer Creeped Out by Man Activating Simp Mode
- Fellas, don't do this.
Mom Tries to Beat the Gayness Out of Son for Playing...
- She walked in at the absolute worst moment possible.
How to Romance Partners in 'Cyberpunk 2077' like a...
- Here's how to get cyber laid.
Hilarious 'Cyberpunk 2077' Bug Leaves Genitals Hanging...
- NSFW: As title suggests, this post contains digital...
Man Shows Correct Way to Respond to Your Girlfriend's...
- He's a real charmer.
25 Women in Video Games with Perfect Faces, According...
- These faces all start to look the same at some point.
Professional Butt Model Proves Fairy Tales Are Real by...
- Talk about financial ASSets.
Funny 'Cyberpunk 2077 XXX' Porn Puts the 'Rod' in...
- This interactive experience came quicker than the...
Gamer Responds to Women Saying Video Games Lead to Bad...
- "If I think of the top ten best d***s I've ever had,...
Calling BS on the Horny Gamers Who Want to Bust for...
- "Are ya winnin' son?"
Dudes Who Buy PS5s to Propose Ruin Their Gaming...
- These people need help (and also to box up their PS5s...
29 Random Memes to Escape Real Life
- You’ll be fine. I promise.
15 Funny 'Adult Only' Games That Should Have Been...
- Playing these games feels like a nice swift punch to...
Woman Creeped Out by Ex-Boyfriend's Video Game...
- TFW you turn on a video game and maybe see yourself.
26 Dirty Responses by Major Brands to a Netflix Tweet
- There are some really good ones here.
PS5 Ditches Web Browser, Sparks Debate on Watching...
- C'mon, Sony. We need our 8K porn.
How to Beat 'No Nut November' (10 Tips from the Pros)
- 'No Nut November' shall be no more.
Pedestrians Compare the 'Autoblow' to Real Oral Sex
- Now introducing the Autoblow 2.0 with extra teeth.
15 Hilariously Over-Sexed Video Game Covers That Make...
- Because sometimes gameplay isn't the most important...
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