23 Funniest Gaming Memes to Drop in the Discord
- Do Frenchmen play video games? Wii.
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Strangers Try to Guess Who's a Virgin and Fail Wildly
- This Nickelodeon game show was quickly cancelled for...
'Minecraft' Steve Hangs Dong in 'Super Smash' but...
- R.I.P. (Rest In Pixels) to Steve's steak.
29 People Who Got Answers the Question 'What Happens...
- Quick answers to life's everyday curiosities.
22 Classic Video Game Memes to Laugh At
- Funny jokes you don't have to be a gamer to understand...
10 Perverted Dating Simulators That Are Still Socially...
- When you need to turn your XBox into an XXX-Box.
32 Fun Killer Pics to Slay the Doldrums
- Enhance your workday wherever you are.
Guy Shares the Five Secrets to Happiness, Girlfriend...
- These five "secrets" actually sound like a lot of work.
25 Worst Things People Had Sex To
- Sometimes you just gotta get to it, no matter what’s...
30 Instant Classic Memes with a Sense of Humor
- They make you laugh. What more could you want?
10 Most Offensive Video Game Advertisements of All Time
- Video game ads today are tame compared to these gems.
Wife Punishes Husband for Wishing His 'Girlfriend'...
- When you realize "happy wife, happy life" is actually...
38 Funny Pics and Memes to Click Away Boredom
- Guaranteed to make you laugh like a hyena on mushrooms.
100 Reasons to Buy the Belle Delphine Gamer Girl...
- The only computer that can keep cool as you heat up.
25 Petty Reasons People Broke Up
- They were attractive until...
Gender Reveal Party Ends with Dad Shooting Himself in...
- So this is what they mean when they say 'blue balls.'
Author Shares Creepy Occult Sex Apartment He Rented on...
- When planning to take a quiet get-away to spend time...
25 Pics That Prove Tony Hawk Loves to Get Roasted
- For an old guy he seems pretty chill.
33 Soul-Crushing Memes to End Another Perfect Week
- Can I offer you a meme?
Nintendo's Confusing Hashtag Has People Horny for...
- "Pokémon Master Sex" is not the achievement you need...
31 Funny Pics and Memes Just for Today
- Stuff to amuse and delight.
Finally, a Dating App for Cougars and Pseudo-Pedophiles
- How is this real?
Popular Things Originally Made For the Opposite Sex
- Stuff that was designed for one sex, but became...
Nervous Guy's Life Ended after Selfie with Car Babe
- Who keeps their toupee on a leash anyway?
23 Embarrassing Marriage Proposals to Rule Them All
- Facepalm all the way down the aisle.
20 Savage Inappropriate Memes to Add to Your Collection
- Extra funny memes that are only a little NSFW.
Vagina Controller Is a True Video Gaming Breakthrough
- You could also play by sticking it up your butt.
19 Sexually Inappropriate Memes to Send Your Dad
- At least one boob joke in here.
Dude Jokingly Sends Wife Payment for 'Sex,' Venmo...
- Probably shoulda went with "services rendered" instead!
Guy Gets Owned for Sending Photo of His Tiny Weiner
- The Dick Pic police are coming for you.
50-Year-Old Virgin Rants About Giving Kids Sex...
- This is the perfect example of what it means to be...
Moron Burns Home down Proposing to His Girlfriend and...
- They're probably gonna die soon anyway.
Disturbing Couple Takes "Doggy Style" Role Play Too Far
- There's dog people and then there's Dog People.
3D Model Shows the Real Way Sperm Swim: Spinning like...
- Fire away, boys.
56 Year-Old "Sports Illustrated" Model Will Make You...
- The only woman who won't care if you ask about her age.
25 Insane Texts from People's Exes
- These are real train wrecks.
Men Are Using Period Pads To Soak Up Their 'Gooch...
- 'Gooch grease' is now unfortunately part of the Oxford...
Will Smith Dies a Little Inside as His Wife Reveals a...
- Talking about how your wife banged some other dude...
Hungover Guy Poops the Bed after One-Night Stand and...
- Who's baking brownies in here?
Madonna's Topless Selfie Reignites Claims She Drinks...
- What if the "Queen of Pop" decided to pop them out?
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