18 Behind-the-Scenes Pics of 1978's 'Superman: The...
- Superman: The Movie
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The Pros and Cons of Being Superman's Best Friend
- It’s a bird! It's a plane! It’s a new hot guy in a...
Images From ‘The Flash’ Leak Online and People...
- SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers for...
70's Justice League Heroes Imagined by A.I.
- Take a look at what Artificial Intelligence thinks...
James Gunn Has to Calm the Nerds He Incited over a...
- James Gunn is once again tweeting through his...
‘That Song Has Defined Our Video Game Series’:...
- It finally happened. Legendary skater, Tony Hawk...
The Incredible Trick that Won Ryan Williams Best Trick...
- Watch from the crowd's view as well as Ryan's POV as...
Christopher Reeve Minces No Words When Asked about...
- The 'Superman' actor tells it like it is on his...
25 Freaky Facts About Nihilism's Godfather Nietzsche
- Nietzsche may be the most complex philosopher of them...
25 Video Games We Regretted Buying Almost Right Away
- If you're lucky, video games will provide hours of...
Robert Pattinson As The Batman Is Going to Kick So...
- Reincarnation may be fake, but there is one death and...
25 Great Movie Franchises Ruined By Crappy Sequels
- When a movie becomes a hit, audiences demand more of a...
57 Comic Panels That Become Insane When Taken Out of...
- Comics are a cool and -- at least of the Marvel and DC...
The Fifteen Worst Superhero Games Ever Released
- There are some amazing superhero games out there. The...
27 Fascinating Comic Book Facts For You Super-Nerds
- Come gather around and read up on some lesser-known...
27 Fascinating Comic Book Facts For You Super-Nerds
- Come gather around and read up on some lesser-known...
Henry Cavill Gets Objectified, Feels Awkward
- Objectifying people not cool, even if it's Superman.
4 Early Drafts of Justice League Members Too Wild For...
- Such as Wonder Woman’s love of BDSM, and...
Cancelled Canon: Ten Times Mortal Kombat Angered...
- Mortal Kombat is one of the most controversial video...
Superman Too Offensive For The CW
- There's some real weird s*** going on here!
Nic Cage's Superman Costume Test Reminds Us of What...
- In a separate timeline, we all got to see the glorious...
29 Random Facts to Fill Your Noggin
- Some food for your brain.
12 Overlooked Superman Facts Proving He's a Huge Wimp
- Superman is cancelled.
19 Plot Holes In Movies and T.V. Shows
- Some stuff to consider next time you're watching a big...
Hurdler Does a 'Superman Dive' to Clinch the Victory
- A college hurdler clinched victory by performing a...
Creepy New Movie Will Make You Wonder if Adopting...
- James Gunn's new horror movie has one very obvious...
10 Comic Book Facts You'll Be Glad You Know
- These are crazy.
23 Vintage Games That Now Fetch a Pretty Penny
- Your childhood nostalgia might just be worth its...
9 Kind of Nerdy Things That Are Totally Worth Getting
- a collection of cool stuff that you secretly want and...
50 Memes to Make Your Monday a Little Better
- Don't let the blues get you down. Browse and laugh...
Replacing Amy Adams's Face with Nicolas Cage's will...
- The future is now and it's horrifying (thanks to AI)!
Security Camera Captures Tow Truck Driver's...
- A tow truck driver attempts to stop a runaway car with...
A 4 Minute Justice League Trailer Just Dropped, And...
- A sneak peek for lucky Comic Con attendees, in...
Russian Kickboxer Punches His Training Partner Through...
- Just as the instructor was teaching a power move, Hulk...
Sad Ben Affleck - Batman vs. Superman
- Ben's reaction during an interview after hearing the...
Hilarious Deleted Scene From Batman Vs. Superman
- A funny clip with Jimmy Kimmel that somehow didn't...
10 Reasons Superman is a Complete Dick
- We all know and love the Man of Steel. Maybe we should...
Fighter Gets Superman Punched Into Another Dimension
- Matt Dwyer lands a solid Superman punch and William...
Show-off Over Estimates His Skills
- Well, that turned out to be an expensive trick... ...
25 Examples Of You Had One Job
- Everyone makes mistakes from time to time.
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