24 Far-Out Theories That Have Terrifying Implications
- Different theories help the world make sense....
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25 Regrettable Places Men Have Stuck Their Manhood
- Growing up is different for every boy. But there is...
Perfect Oreo Separation Achieved Through Science
- Thanks to physics, it's possible to separate Oreo...
This Roomba Is Modded To Swear When It Bumps Into Stuff
- These engineers decided to use their talents for some...
This "Vacuum Forming Machine" Is Pure Eye Candy
- The Vacuuming Forming Machine uses a mold and vacuum...
Guy Learns The Hard Way That Putting Your Dick Into A...
- What was this guy thinking? Oh right, he wasn't.
When A Vacuum Cleaner Meets A Harmonica
- What a beautiful love story it was.
Ramble Khron's Random Ramblings
- Frightful theories and terrifying truths which capture...
Dog Vs Vacuum Cleaner
- This dog despises vacuum cleaners, and vacuum cleaner...
Baby Is Scared By Vacuum
- I think he pooped a little bit there...
Kid Has Hobby That Really Sucks
- When I was 12 I was collecting pogs
Coolest Ad One Has Ever Seen
- Go vacuums!
Guy Prefers Sex with Vacuum
- That one will rip your dick off.
It Was Quiet
- It was quiet in the office till the cleaning lady...
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