38 Medieval Paintings of People Getting Their Shit...
- Look, I’m not going to dispute that it kind of sucks...
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15 People Reveal Personality Traits of Murderers they...
- It's incredibly difficult to put yourself in the shoes...
Ezra Miller Accused of Grooming 18 Year Old Girl and...
- DC’s The Flash star Ezra Miller is once again...
School Fights Drop Way Down After 'Dads on Duty' Show...
- Their presence in the hallways has completely changed...
A Brief History of Video Games Being Blamed for...
- In this world, there are two things you can count on:...
Illinois Rep Blames Violent Video Games For Rise in...
- Violent video games are a scapegoat once again.
What Happens When a Person Gets Shot in the Head
- The secondary effects are almost more deadly than the...
Kid Prevents Suicide, Proves Video Games Don't Cause...
- "VidE0 gAmEs cAUsE Vi0LeNcE!"
Karen Threatens to Shoot a Man When He Tells Her to...
- A crazy lady was confronted by another customer for...
Dad Lets Young Son Play 'Far Cry,' Instantly Regrets...
- He had no idea what kind of monster he was creating.
This "South Park" Clip on Violence and Terrorism Never...
- This episode isn't even available online anymore, and...
Stories From Ex-Gang Members Who Realized They Had to...
- Gang life isn't always easy to leave when it's all...
Former Cop Breaks down the Real Problems with Policing...
- This account has yet to be verified but the details...
Police Officers of Reddit React to the George Floyd...
- This thread brought out some really great insights.
Penn Jillette Schools Wendy Williams on the Video...
- This clip from 2012 shows Penn Jillette taking on...
Woman Calls 911 to Order Pizza and Dispatcher Picks up...
- A domestic dispute came to an end when she called 911...
Dr. Phil Thinks Smoking Weed Lowers Your IQ and Makes...
- Dr. Phil explains how smoking marijuana can affect the...
US Military Issues Warning About Potential Incel...
- The Us Army released at statement claiming they have...
Mass Shootings Prompt Discussion About Fear And Public...
- A newly-trending hashtag "#ItsGettingTooHardTo" is...
Parody Of How The Media Sees Gamers After Any Mass...
- This is meant to be satirical, but a look at recent...
Former CIA Director Turns the Tables on a Scammer Who...
- After his attempt to scam this elderly couple out of...
French Police Serve Protesters a Whopper of a Beating...
- This footage is from December 1st and shows French...
Mother Embalmed Her Son And Set Up The Most WTF Wake...
- The had to take the wheels off of his chair because he...
Furious Dad Goes Berserk to Get His Crying Daughter
- this guy has clearly had enough.
Conspiracy Swirls Around The Death Of XXXTentacion
- Florida rapper and woman beater XXX was shot and...
Dude Shoots at his Neighbor Multiple Times Over...
- Things have reached a boiling point on the Big Island...
These Guys Quickly Find Out They're Robbing the Wrong...
- Unbelievable footage of delivery man flipping the...
Driver Notices Man on the Hood of Car and Gets a...
- Incensed woman found out her husband was cheating and...
Psycho Kid Shoots His Sister For Not Handing Him A...
- Well, that escalated quickly.
Jealous Woman Tries To Kill Gamer Boyfriend With A...
- She wanted him dead for playing too many video games.
The White House's New Violent Video Game Montage Is...
- The video Trump shared with video game executives has...
Brutal Purse Robbing Ends With Vigilante Justice
- In the first few seconds you can see a French woman...
17 Dead In Florida High School Shooting
- As many as seven reported deaths in what is the year's...
One Person Killed, 17 Taken to Hospitals After...
- County officials say the shooter is in custody. More...
Instant Karma For Customer That's Trying To Skip Out...
- After having his computer worked on, this customer...
Idiot Decides To Knee A Cop In The Balls
- This (presumably) drunk idiot was surrounded by cops,...
Clerk At A Bronx Deli Gets His Jaw Broken By Two Guys...
- Footage from Stadium Gourmet Deli in the Bronx shows...
Road Rage Incident Takes A Hilariously Unexpected Turn
- While these two women were busy fighting one man saw a...
Rugby Player Banned For Life After Knocking Out Referee
- 25 minutes into a French junior cup match between...
Crazy Dude Gets Revenge On His Wife By Setting Their...
- This is absolutely horrifying. If anyone finds news...
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