15 Video Games Perfect for Playing While High
- Puff, puff pass the controller.
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Artist Took Various Drugs and Drew a Portrait of...
- Bryan Lewis Saunders decided to take a different drug...
25 Funny Memes to Enjoy Everywhere
- A quick batch of memes.
Soulja Boy Gets Too High while Gaming and Forgets to...
- Use caution when smoking cannabis while gaming.
Pissed Off Cop Ruins Guys Day Over A Little Bit of Weed
- A Connecticut State Trooper takes his anger out on...
Dude Forgets to Properly Hide His "Brownies," Chaos...
- Always, always keep your edibles away from the general...
Couple Tries Edibles For First Time While Working From...
- This couple figured right before starting work would...
Conspiracy Explains How Long John Silver's Has...
- The fried fish chain has supposedly been a front for...
The Best Weed From 1977 is Unrecognizable Compared to...
- Now I know why it's called weed.
Genius Stoner Lights Joint With Only a Piece of Glass
- Don't ever say potheads aren't resourceful.
Aaron Paul Walks Us Through His Insane Idaho Mansion
- Would you move in?
Dude Accidentally Shoots Gun While Making Video & Gets...
- He really looks at the blunt like it fired the gun.
Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Stoner From Michigan
- He was pretty much everything I expected him to be.
No Your Weed Isn't Alive, It's Just Lacewing Larva in...
- Dude, your weed is walking away! These lacewing larva,...
24 Thanksgiving Memes That Are Helping Us Avoid Our...
- Take a break from your family and stuff yourself with...
Dr. Phil Thinks Smoking Weed Lowers Your IQ and Makes...
- Dr. Phil explains how smoking marijuana can affect the...
Snoop Dogg Has a Full-Time Blunt Roller On Staff, Pays...
- During an interview with Howard Stern and Seth Rogen,...
Stoners Have Some Hilariously Dumb Deep Thoughts
- Like... whoa, man!
15 Times People Were Too High For Life
- Getting through life can be hard, but for these people...
Retired NFL Player Percy Harvin Opens Up About Using...
- Harvin opened up to Bleacher Report about his anxiety...
Ohio Inmate Catches Weed Out Of The Sky
- Using drones to smuggle drugs and other paraphernalia...
Hippy Dude's Marijuana Habit Forces an American...
- That's an expensive joint.
Hippy Dude's Marijuana Habit Forces an American...
- That's an expensive joint.
Grandmother Gets Incredibly Stoned After Accidentally...
- A grandson recorded his grandmother stoned out of her...
Live PD Cop Jokes These Stoners Could End Up On...
- When this Greene County, MO police officer responded...
Shrooms are the "Safest" Drug You Can Take, Even Safer...
- Magically delicious.
Dude With a Gun Ain't as Tough as He Thinks
- Just wait for it. Dancing around with a loaded gun in...
Seemingly Sweet Old Lady Is Actually a Big Time Drug...
- A woman driving an RV is pulled over and it is quickly...
Stoner Dude Inhales a Horrible Bong Rip
- What is this, salmonella sativa?
Time To Find A New Drug Dealer
- That's what happens when you spend your money on the...
Great-Grandmother with CBD Oil Arrested at Disney World
- Hester Burkhalter, a 69-year-old great-grandmother...
Girl Attempts to Eat as Many Weed Edibles as She...
- Most edibles are 10mg each so she basically just ate...
Girl Attempts to Eat as Many Weed Edibles as She...
- Most edibles are 10mg each so she basically just ate...
Carl's JR Is Embracing 4/20 With A Cannabis Infused...
- Carl's Jr. is testing out a cannabis burger to stay at...
10 Weed Jelly Belly Flavors We Need Now They're Making...
- David Klein — who invented Jelly Belly in 1976 —...
Police Search Stage 4 Cancer Patient's Room for...
- A person battling stage four Pancreatic Cancer gets...
Stoned Girls Laugh Off Their Mom's Exorcism
- After returning home with the smell of weed on them,...
Medical Marijuana Super Bowl Ad Leaked after Being...
- A "controversial" commercial big pharma and the...
Mike Tyson Gifted Joe Rogan an Amazing Weed Haul
- After interviewing the boxer on his show, Joe Rogan...
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