Fake Police Siren Tricking Hotboxing Teens is a Funny...
- These dudes in Norridge, Illinois noticed a group of...
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Undercover Cop Attempts to Solicit Drugs On Facebook...
- He saw the post and showed up to sell some flowers but...
Real-Life Marijuana Commercial Will Crack You Up
- This Briteside Cannabis commercial hits all right...
Corpus Christi Police Destroyed 400 "Pot Plants" Only...
- An embarrassing incident for the cops, as the clueless...
Man Getting Sued After Posing As Marijuana Smoking...
- Mark Scott has caused an uproar over a marijuana...
29 Pics That Show The Real Side-Effects of Weed
- These are some real high-ideas
16 Remarkable Images for Your Week's End
- Kilgore's Sunday Brunch
The Simpsons Predicted Canada's Legalization of...
- 13 years ago in an episode of the Simpsons they...
Canadians Are Loving Their Legalized Weed
- Canada on Wednesday became the first major world...
Weed Shop Worker Beats Off Four Bear-Mace Wielding...
- Legendary employee fights off four robbers with...
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Caption Contest #185 : Enter For A Chance To Win $50 / 0 Submissions
- Welcome to the eBaum's World Caption Contest #185 -...
18 Hilarious Memes and Reactions To Elon Musk Smoking...
- Last night Elon Musk went on Joe Rogan's podcast to...
Joe Rogan Smoked Some Weed With Guest Elon Musk
- Get ready to party with Joe and Elon.
This Guy Came Home and Discovered His Dog Stole His...
- Diablo the dog finds weed. The dog never got any drugs...
CBD Oil Vape Pen Spills and Sends 7 City Workers To...
- A police officer spilled some CDB oil while processing...
Grandma is Ready to get High AF
- This weed loving granny takes a couple hits out of...
Jerry Seinfeld On Between Two Ferns With Zach...
- Jerry Seinfeld and Cardi B sit down with Zach...
Chimpanzee Gets High as a Kite Off Dabs
- How do these stoners own an ape?
26 Dope Pics That Will Stimulate Your Senses
- The weekend is upon us so kick back and relax.
Guy Tries Marijuana to Remove a Stain That Harsh...
- The all natural cleaning power of pot... or not.
What To Do If You're Too High On Weed
- You'll be ok little buddy, just hang in there.
50 Hilarious Stoner Memes That'll Get You Ripped
- We couldn't find 420 of these, so this will have to do.
10 Games That'll Make Your 420 Way Better
- Have your best Friday of 2018.
Kid Gets Busted for Weed and Gets it Back in a Genius...
- I'd make the kid pay for my pizza after I blaze up his...
Trippy 1 Minute Time-lapse of a Marijuana Plant from...
- Watch the amazing journey from tiny seed to a plant...
Fiery Dad Absolutely Busts Son and Flushes His Dank...
- Danny done messed up.
22 Blazing Stoner Memes To Chill Out With
- Jump into the meme stream and wait what was I talking...
Seth Rogen Is In Complete Awe Of This New Gravity Bong
- The adult baby stoner himself has to take a breath as...
33 Sick Pics and Memes To Make You Cream Your Jeans
- The last pics you'll see before the darkness of Monday...
Sheriff's Deputy Guilty Of Molesting 3 Minors Will NOT...
- Kenneth L. Hatch III is accused of providing minors...
Teen Orders Bong, Opens it in Front of Mom, We All...
- This smooth operating teenager ordered a bong and got...
Walmart Employee Walks Around The Store Smoking A...
- Now that's one sure way to get fired from your job.
Guy Explains Why He Doesn't Want a Marijuana...
- This guy knows the subtleties of trolling!
Guys Use An Air Mattress Pump To Hotbox A Car
- Seems a bit wasteful but gets the job done in a jiffy.
Clever Police Tactic To Expose Stoned Drivers
- Always eat before you leave the house.
Comedian's Hilarious Bit About Buying Weed From White...
- A funny comparison of the differences in how black and...
24 Facebook Wins & Fails To Make You Laugh
- Hilarious Facebook wins and fails.
NSFW Dirty Meme's To Bust You Up Laughing
- Check these out at your own risk.
Girl Freaks Out When Her Weed Starts Walking Around
- It's actually the larvae of the lacewing.
Kid Offers To Sell Weed To A Couple of Cops
- It's a brave new world we are living in...
eBaum's Picks