Cannabis Oil Instantly Treats A Pitbull From Having...
- The effects of CBD and cannabis oil is widely known to...
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Monday Morning Randomness - User Edition #22
- Start your Monday off right with a fresh batch of pics...
Brave Idiot Smokes A Carolina Reaper In A Bong
- Dude smokes a Carolina Reaper pepper, and pays the...
A Rabbi, A Priest, And An Atheist Smoke Weed Together
- Sounds like the beginning to a bad joke, but it's...
Elderly Granny Smokes And Drinks Like A Damn College...
- Granny hit us with the classic 'Strikeout', which is a...
News Anchor Discovers A Game-changing Smuggling...
- Because THAT is easy to smuggle across the border, no...
Pot Sasquatch Spotted in Massachusetts
- A new breed of Bigfoot has been discovered in Western...
Mega Babe Takes A Massive Gravity Bong Dab
- I never thought of combining a dab with a gravity bong...
Complete Moron Tries To Rob Gang-Owned Weed Dispensary
- Enjoy that beatdown, may I recommend some edibles to...
Guy Can't Stop Crying Over His Good Weed
- This dude is losing his mind over the quality of his...
Impressive Prankster Changed Hollywood Sign To Read:...
- What a better way to ring in 2017!
Guy Smokes A 2.7 Gram Dab By Himself
- This dude lets his Instagram followers decide how big...
Watch What Happens When A Man With Parkinson’s Uses...
- Larry Smith is a former cop who lives in South Dakota...
Teacher Off Tinder Smoking Weed And Getting Drunk
- You will not believe the stuff this teacher says about...
Stoner Uses His Nose As A Pipe
- What a complete idiot!
Tinder Date Turns Out to be a Prostitute and Gets...
- I was just trying to film a funny video, but this girl...
Street Preacher Gets Shut Down At Hempfest
- A cannabis activist and Christians for Cannabis...
Stoner Tries To Smoke A Whole Blunt In One Breath
- For someone who evidently smokes a ton, this dude has...
The World's Most Expensive Bong
- Glass pipes and bongs are becoming expensive pieces of...
Man's Parkinson's Disease Tremors Relieved by...
- Too bad the crooks in big phrama would rather...
Old Man Kicked out of Uber For Smoking Weed
- He was just trying to wake and bake, then get some...
People Caught Being High As F*ck
- And they will live on in infamy.
Amazing Smokable Art Made Out of Marijuana And Rolling...
- All creations by Tony Greenhands are 100% smokable....
Getting My Tinder Date HIGH With Fake THC
- Watch what happens when the placebo kicks in
2 Colorado Cops In Full Uniform Smoking That Good Shit
- Damn, these cops know what's up.
18 Truths From Weed Smokers Who Defy Stereotypes
- Not everyone who smokes the occasional joint is a...
A Batch Of Bad Synthetic Weed Turns Brooklyn Into...
- Five bodegas were raided after 33 people were sent to...
24 Interesting Facts About Weed That Will Open Your...
- Discover the truth and numbers behind this...
The Speech That Got Weed Decriminalized In Tampa
- Nathan takes on the Tampa city council on the issue...
Dad Punishes Disrespectful Weed Smoking Punk Kid
- Allan Gieger Jr. was tired of watching his teenage son...
Guy Goes Off On Cops For Trying To Search His Boat
- "F*cking idiots, all three of you!"
2 Chainz Has A $500,000 Smoking Session
- Talk about mind-blowing...
Hey Man, Do You Sell Weed?
- Oh sh*t!
How To Build A Cheap Badass Lava Lamp
- Fun experiment just in time for 420!
Group of Stoners Make Their Great Escape from a Pesky...
- Still one of the best 4/20 videos on the internet.
Things You Need For The Perfect 4/20
- Essentials for possibly the raddest holiday ever.
The Dankest 420 Gallery
- A 420 inspired gallery featuring babes, buds, bongs...
Getting My PREGNANT Tinder Date HIGH
- He told this Tinder dates They were smoking weed....
The Guy Who Talks About Weed
- We all know someone like this.
30 Hilarious Memes For Your Browsing Pleasure
- A bunch of memes for you to enjoy.
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