Big Fight Breaks Out in McDonald’s
All this over a couple orders of fries?
There’s something about a late-night McDonald’s run that causes a certain type of person to lose all sense of self. They may be a normal, if a bit unhinged, person in everyday life, but give them a few beers and put them under the fluorescent lights of a McDonald’s at 2 a.m. and they become a whole different beast.
A few of those people apparently congregated at this McDonald’s, and while we don’t know what exactly set the whole thing off, we know it resulted in straws — and hands — being thrown.
Chaos w McDonald’s w Amsterdamie!
— Dziki zachód (@dziki_zachod) January 19, 2025
Zdenerwowany klient, prawdopodobnie przez długie kolejki, zaatakował pracownika. Personel odpowiedział, co skończyło się wielką bitwą na jedzenie – w powietrzu latały McFlurry, burgery i cola!