Twitter Doesn’t Appreciate ‘Family Guy’ Jab at Nipsey Hussle

An old episode of 'Family Guy' has the internet triggered once again.

By zachnading

Published 2 years ago in Facepalm

An old episode of 'Family Guy' has the internet triggered once again.

The episode in question, 'Young Parent Trap' aired on April 18th, 2021. That's almost 2 years ago, so why are people just getting upset about it now? The episode also aired 2 years after Nipsey Hussle's death. For reference, the artist died on March 31st, 2019. So what are we really mad about here? Let's not pretend like 'Family Guy' did anything wrong.

In the episode, Chris is obviously going to a music festival and makes a joke about a Nipsey Hussle hologram. Of course, the internet loves to be fake mad over everything, so that's where we're at. Sorry guys, you can't joke about the dead anymore.
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