Taco Bell Has PR Nightmare after Firing Employee for Wearing #BLM Mask

If #RIPTacoBell is trending does that mean they're gonna sacrifice the little chihuahua?

By nootens

Published 4 years ago in Wow

Taco Bell isn't known for being a bastion of political correctness and civil rights, but they really screwed the pooch this time by firing an employee simply for wearing a Black Lives Matter face mask to work.

Regardless of your thoughts on BLM, at a time when that movement is getting more publicity than ever, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that firing someone for wearing BLM gear is gonna come back to bite you in the ass.

Since the video went viral, the hashtag #RIPTacoBell has become trending on Twitter, and Taco Bell decided to mute their social media accounts while they scramble to figure out a way to dig themselves out of this hole.

Will Taco Bell get cancelled? Probably not. But their food sucks anyway and you can make Mountain Dew Baja Blast at home so even if they suffer some repercussions they won't be missed.

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