The internet loves a good conspiracy. While some conspiracies are both infuriating and terrifying — you’re telling me the guy had his own island? And that all of the cameras in the jail were broken? — others are a little more harmless.

Take, for example, the story of Merrianne Do, a Chargers super fan, as evidenced by coverage of her during a recent game against the Cowboys. Videos of her reacting to the game quickly went viral — her elation when her team scored, and her devastation when she occasionally remembered that she was rooting for the Chargers (only kidding, Chargers fans!).

However, seeing Do have her 15 minutes of fame didn’t sit right with some internet users. Was Do simply a big fan of the Chargers? Or was there something more going on here?

The opening salvo of this conspiracy was this image, which showed that Do wasn’t always a Chargers fan. In fact, at one point in her life, Do was actually, *gulp*, a Vikings fan! Uff da!

Being “charged” with this, Do confirmed to NBC Sports that she was an adult that could hold two thoughts in her head at the same time. Yes, she was and is a Vikings fan, but since moving to Los Angeles, her allegiance has shifted more in favor of the Chargers. Conspiracy over, right?

Wrong. Soon after, users found a Backstage listing on behalf of the NFL. The listing said it was “seeking talent from Los Angeles, CA” — specifically, an “NFL Super Fan.” Could this be Do? Am I losing my mind here?!?!

Well, when one actually reads the listing, this conspiracy becomes even less likely. The listing expired in January, meaning that if the NFL had truly hired Do, they were holding onto her as a sleeper cell for more than nine months. Furthermore, the listing asks for fans who “love playing tabletop games like Uno” — and the Chargers aren’t even on the list of teams from whom they’re asking for supporters.

Appearing on ESPN, Do said that she wasn’t being paid, though she wished she was. “At the end of the day, this is me, guys. This is me,” she says. “Crazy mom of four, crazy Chargers fan, crazy freaking football fan, and it is what it is.”

Conspiracy voice: *Or is it?*

Yeah, it probably is.