15 Secret Facts About South Park
Interesting facts about one of the best cartoons ever created.
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If this image doesn't look as polished and professional as what you'd normally expect to see in a 'South Park' episode, that's because it's not. It's from a precursor of the show. The "Jesus vs Frosty" animated film was made by Trey Parker and Matt Stone way back in 1992 when they were students at the University of Colorado. Film production involved only construction paper, glue and an old 8mm film camera. But that very first short movie ultimately led to the making of the highly popular comedy series. -
Fox executive Brian Graden was so taken with the 'Jesus vs Frosty' film that he paid Matt Stone and Trey Parker 2000 to make a similar movie. He wanted to have his very own 'South Park'-style video Christmas cards to send out to his friends. This 'Jesus vs Santa' short movie happened to catch the attention of Comedy Central -- who hired the pair to make the 'South Park' series. And the rest is history! -
The pilot and the second episode of 'South Park' were made using construction paper cut-outs and stop-motion animation. But those are the only full length episodes to use this technique. After that, production switched to computer animation. -
Pay close attention to the details when you're watching 'South Park.' You might just notice something that is hidden in virtually every episode -- an alien! Some are in plain view, but others are much harder to spot. -
You don't get to see it very often, but Kyle has a pretty awesome mane of red hair. Apparently it's based on Matt's Stone's previous hairstyle. It's been called a "Jewfro." -
It turns out that Trey Parker and Matt Stone are Archie Bunker fans. And they wanted a way to incorporate that type of character into their work. The easiest way of doing that in today's politically correct climate was to transform him into a "little eight-year-old fat kid." -
Cartman is not the most likeable of characters. But all the same, he's supposedly Trey Parker's favorite 'South Park' character. He even ad libs most of Cartman's lines. -
Kenny is really hard to understand. Which is probably just as well given some of the inappropriate stuff he says. But did you ever wonder just how that muffled voice is created? Turns out Matt Stone makes the sound by simply speaking into his sleeve. -
Celebrities who get to act in 'South Park' don't usually get to play themselves. And the roles they are assigned are pretty interesting. George Clooney got to play a gay dog. Jay Leno was a bird. Allegedly, Jerry Seinfeld turned down the role of a sick cat. -
You won't find Trey Parker and Matt Stone's names in the credits of the original unaired version of the 'South Park' pilot. They use the pseudonyms Tupac Schwartz and MC Goldstein. Sneaky! -
Ever wonder where the creators of 'South Park' got their inspiration for the characters? For Chef, they looked no further than the dining hall at the University of Colorado, where the pair were students. Chef is based on one of the actual dining hall workers. -
Kenny has been killed an unbelievable number of times on 'South Park.' And "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!" is a frequent cry. Poor Kenny! -
The makers of 'South Park' have a very quick turnaround. They can produce an episode in just a few short days. Which makes it possible for them to create very current topical episodes that coincide with really big news event. For instance, the episode "Trapper Keeper" came out shortly after the 2000 Presidential election with the controversial and closely fought battle between President Bush and Al Gore. In the 'South Park' episode Flora Florida has the tie-breaking vote. -
'South Park' has had its fair share of controversy. And apparently the reason Parker and Stone created the Terrance and Phillip characters was because of the criticism of the show as being "nothing but bad animation and fart jokes." Terrance and Phillip are much more crudely drawn than the other characters, and farting is what they seem to do most! -
Bart Simpson might be from a rival animated show, but he has also appeared on 'South Park.' However, it's rumored that the voice of Bart on 'The Simpsons,' Nancy Cartwright, refused to work on 'South Park,' as she finds it too offensive.