This Woman Is Trying to Make Her Lips As Fat As...
- For when you want your lips to look like a donut.
Media videos
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A Plane’s Toilets Got So Clogged That the Plane Had...
- Yet another shitty airline experience.
Spring Break Just Started, and Hotel Guests Are...
- Warning: there’s a lot of sex sounds in this one.
Green Chemical Fires Spotted Belching Out of Texas...
- They’re making the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles down...
Drunk Guy Gets Run Over By Train, But Somehow Walks...
- You know what would help with that pain? Another drink!
Watch a Man Turn Himself Into a Helicopter Using Power...
- Look at him go!
Taxi Driver Spotted Passing the Time By Getting Out of...
- That’s one way to stay fit.
Monkeys Are Smoking Cigarettes Again
- A return to tradition.
Prosecutor Trying to Play Evidence in Court...
- That’s not going to help their case.
Dude Schools Police Officers on the Law, Gets Them to...
- That’s embarrassing.
Weatherman Reporting on Storm Gets Hit by Flying Fish
- It’s raining cats, dogs, and, uh, salmon.
Woman Captures Pigeon Landing on Her Head, Then...
- The embarrassment got to him, it seems.
Evangelical Protesters Are Demanding That Employees of...
- It’s the great battle between heaven and people who...
Treat-Boy Criminal Breaks Into Gelato Store, Gives...
- It’s hard to commit robbery on an empty stomach.
TCL Just Released an Ad Encouraging TV Owners to...
- I’ll pass, thanks.
Family Dinner Ruined After Fondue Pot Suddenly Explodes
- And they didn’t even get to dip yet!
Dude Hits Perfect Pump at Gas Pump Challenge
- Big respect to our man Tom.
Dude Filming Police Helicopter Accidentally Catches...
- Is it just me, or is that searchlight getting closer?
These Trashy Houses Prove Rich People Still Have Bad...
- Wealth can’t buy taste (or, apparently, a competent...
Tornado Hits News Station As They’re Reporting on It
- Coming to you live from the heart of the action!
Two Guys Pull Woman Off Train Tracks Right As Train...
- Well, that was close.
Man Debuts Innovative Method for Avoiding Bar’s...
- Why are you paying to spend money in a bar anyway?
DoorDash Driver Gets into Minor Fender Bender,...
- The cops don’t really care if you’re “in the...
Teen Accidentally Shoots His House While Flexing His...
- In the United States, it’s pretty easy to get a gun.
Woman Caught Taking Quick Booty Pic on Live TV
- And then showing it to her friend.
Track Runner Says Another Contestant Tried to Beat Her...
- Instead of beating her opponent, she beat her opponent.
Cargo Ship Collides With Oil Tanker Off UK Coast
- It’s not just planes that are having problems.
Some Dude Drove His Car Straight Into a CarMax
- How bad was his APR?!?!
Watch Druski Sweat After Being Asked If He Went to a...
- The comedian is currently facing accusations connected...
MrBeast Crashed a Formula One Car
- Get ready for his next YouTube video, “I spent 24...
TikTokers Are Permanently Damaging Their Nervous...
- If you take a vitamin supplement, you might want to...
Another Dumbass Set Themselves on Fire While Trying to...
- They really love setting themselves on fire, huh?
Alleged Shoddy Drug Lab Makes Neighborhood House...
- These guys gotta get better at fireproofing their drug...
Man Coming Out of Prison for the First Time in 30...
- Just wait until you see all the new porn they’ve got!
Farting in an Inflatable Costumes Is The Funniest,...
- Giving them a Dutch Oven they can’t get out of.
Airplane Flubs Takeoff, Crashes Right Into Helicopter
- Airplane crashes — they’re not just for big planes...
Monkey Caught Sprinting Like a Man, Freaking Out...
- I don’t like him, and I believe he needs to stop.
Reporter Catches Transformer Exploding in the Middle...
- Better stay inside for this report.
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