Norm Macdonald Talked Out of Answering Final Question on Celebrity 'Millionaire' Regis did it to let Norm walk away with his $500k for charity instead of losing it all... but Norm was actually about to get it right.
The Ten Coolest “The Game Let Me Do That?!” Moments We love video games, but most of them are both linear and predictable. Within a few minutes, you know what you’ll be doing from the beginning...
36 Memes That Are Seriously Dank, and Slightly Damp That's what we get for going meme-foraging in an abandoned basement.
24 Funny Memes and Pics to Level Up Your Laughter With If you're here to laugh at funny gaming memes, then you've come to the right place.
New Limp Bizkit Leans into the Fact That We’re All F***ing Old Did the song leak over a month ago? Of course it did.
31 Twitter Posts and Memes For Those Who Like to Laugh Catch up on the best that happened on Twitter.
DJ Cuts Lil John for ABBA, Because Apparently Nobody Is Allowed to Have Fun The DJ did this dude dirty. When you're four rum and cokes deep just waiting for that beat to drop.
Nicki Minaj’s Cousin’s Friend Outed over Massive Balls Tweet The metaphorical dam holding back river water that we call 'the internet' exploded after Nicki Minaj tweeted about her cousin's friend's swollen balls.
Gamer Hurts His Shoulder While Celebrating Win Genuinely happy for his win, but maybe we shouldn't start calling eSports champions "athletes" just yet.
'Devious Licks' A Viral Trend Where Kids Film Themselves Stealing From School The trend started on Tiktok and purportedly shows kids stealing everything from soap dispensers, projectors, and fire alarms from their schools.
Brawl Breaks Out at Rams’ Game, Security Does Nothing It's officially football season as some Bears' fans get into it with a few Rams' fans.
10 Insanely Unforgettable Quotes From NPCs While video games are driven by our main characters, most of the story of a game comes from NPCs. And NPC dialogue moves the plot forward like...
Karen Calls 911 Over Western Bacon Cheeseburger There's some next-level entitlement happening to make you think cops are gonna get involved over your Carl's Jr. order.
29 Funny Memes and Pics From the Games We Play If you're here looking for funny gaming memes, then you've come to the right place.
Move Over Kanye and Drake, There's a New Number One Rapper in the Game Papapapapapa party till I die may be the worst thing to hit the music industry since Rebecca Black's 'Friday' or 'I like Chinese Food'.
23 Times Mother Nature Was a Total Bada** Mother Nature is a mad scientist. Let's see what she's been up to recently.