Umpire Takes Baseball to the Face like an Absolute Champ Just an atrocious throw by Edmundo Sosa in an attempt to reach 1st base.
19 Cringeworthy Met Gala Outfits to Help Fertilize Your Lawn Obviously the Met Gala is all about shock value. Who is wearing the most expensive designer, who has the most outlandish hat, whatever it may be.
Why Video Game Developers Deserve a Good Union This year, gamers were shocked to discover allegations against Activision Blizzard. These allegations included sexual harassment, discrimination,...
39 Fresh Memes of the Dankest Kind Enjoy a nice assortment of hand-picked memes sure to brighten up your day.
Steve Burns (Blue's Clues) Describes Disastrous Date With Playboy Model Blue's clues didn't help him spot the red flags until it was a little too late.
20 Shower Thoughts for Rinsing and Repeating It happened again. You're in your thirties and somehow you still managed to get shampoo in your eyes.
Cat Plummets from Upper Deck, Miami Fans Save the Day Somehow yet another cat snuck into a stadium. This time it was something straight out of the 'Lion King.'
Hydraulic Press Compilation Is Oddly Satisfying There's just something so strangely soothing about seeing stuff get smushed to oblivion.
17 Thirsty Photos Proving Megan Fox Is Still an Absolute Smokeshow How a dude like Machine Gun Kelly ever landed Megan Fox is beyond me. But we can still appreciate how gorgeous this woman is.
28 Dank Memes We Found in a Bootleg Louis Vuitton The Canal St. vendor assured us it was real but the joke's on him because now we have his stash of dank memes.
Broncos Receiver Carted off Field after Gruesome Ankle Injury Second year WR, Jerry Jeudy had to be carted off the field Sunday after his ankle got twisted under a Giants' defender.
10 Coolest Things Ever Created In Minecraft In its own way, Minecraft may be the ultimate video game. After all, this is a game where you can make and do just about anything. And some...
Ashton Kutcher on ESPN GameDay Drowned Out by 'Take a Shower' Chants ESPN GameDay fans have no chill and it's hilarious.
25 Funny Pics and Memes Spotted on the Twittersphere A collection of funny Tweets from funny people that go down like warm milk.
Mets and Yankees Clear Benches Day after 9/11 After a night of brotherly love at Citi Field Saturday, the Yankees and Mets cleared the benches. New York is gonna New York.
16 Little Known Details From 80s Movies A collection of interesting tidbits from classic 80's movies that may take you on a trip down memory lane.