Driver Left Wondering If Insurance Covers Animal...
- Parking your car on the street comes with more risks...
Media articles
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King Charles’ Horse Bites Tourist So Hard That She...
- Being a horse with the King’s Guard must suck.
No Wonder You Can't Do It Yourself: This Is How They...
- In short, they have a weird, spinning machine.
Drunk Woman on the Street Has Only One Thing on Her...
- There’s a cottage industry of dudes with microphones...
Woman Power-Washes 126 Years of Grime Off Her Home
- People love a fixer-upper, but apparently they don’t...
Internet in Serious Doubt That Amish Hoopers Have...
- Just when you think you’ve seen everything, someone...
Man Arrested After Peeing in the Middle of a Plane
- Traveling is already stressful enough as it is.
Mods of r/Hygiene Urge Community Members Not to Wash...
- A running joke, or an ongoing complaint depending on...
Home Owner Intentionally Breaks Every HOA Law Just...
- Home ownership remains a crucial component of the...
Arsonist Accidentally Starts Himself on Fire
- They say arson is a coward’s crime.
$10,000 Masculinity Retreat Will Have You Crying in a...
- Men can get emotional, too.
A.I.’s Attempt at Recreating Gymnastics is...
- The latest installment in a long line of examples of...
Man Shamed for Having Explosive Diarrhea at Gwyneth...
- Yet another thing to file under the “Things I Could...
Dude Hires Room of Actors to Purposefully Not Laugh at...
- Being a comedian kind of seems like an extended...
Old Man Has Insane Method for Parking Car in His Tiny...
- Never underestimate an old dude on a mission.
Florida Man Arrested for Shooting Down Walmart...
- We all knew delivery drones were going to be a bad...
Dog Dives to the Bottom of a Lake for a Rock
- Dog’s minds are strange and unknowable places for us...
Ukrainian Man Turns Car into a Literal Mobile Home
- Earlier this week, a video began going around...
Woman Loses Her Prosthetic Arm While Hitting Balls at...
- Nobody thinks of golf as an extreme sport.
The Most Pathetic Gender Reveal We’ve Ever Seen
- The past decade has seen the rise of two unfortunate...
Argentinian President Spends $400k on Trip to Accept...
- Javier Milei is an interesting fellow.
‘Anything But a Backpack Day’ Has Students...
- School Spirit Weeks bring with them all sorts of...
Cat Saved From Tree Looks Cartoonishly Stuck Up...
- Cats are pretty stupid.
The Wax Abe Lincoln Statue That Melted During D.C.’s...
- According to the artist, the piece, which is a wax...
Family Tries Out the ‘TikTok Grill’ and Burns a...
- There’s been a new trend on TikTok showing people...
Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un Are Having a Blast...
- Yes, this looks like something from a movie or perhaps...
The OceanGate Co-Founder Is Doing It Again
- It appears that sending his co-founder to his death in...
Child Faints as Louisiana Gov Signs New Ten...
- You can't make this stuff up.
Texas is Waging War on ‘The Edgar’ Haircut
- In what is yet another installment in a long line of...
TikToker Pranks His Mom With News of an Alien Invasion
- This would be cruel if it wasn't so funny.
Woman Drops a 2-Foot-Long Chili Cheese Hot Dog on the...
- Looks like someone isn’t completing the 9-9-9...
Transporting Rhinos Looks Incredibly Stupid
- Sometimes, people need to move rhinos. Don’t ask me...
Woman Who Claims Her Barn Moved By Itself Has Never...
- Pranks: They’re not just for technology users!
Woman Who Has Never Heard of Tucker Carlson Realizes...
- A TikTok user has found themselves asking “What is...
Firework Sets Off Chain Reaction, Blowing Up Car and...
- This summer, remember to be careful with fireworks.
English Soccer Fan Wakes Up in Stadium Alone at 4 a.m....
- We’ve all had a bad night or two.
Student Driver Flips Car and Fails Driver's Test in...
- Can you fail a driver’s test so badly that they take...
'Hobby Horse Girls' Who Compete With Child Horse Toys...
- Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of hobby...
Movie Buff With History of Complaining About ‘Poor...
- It’s never fun to share what you think is a harmless...
Twitch CEO Outs Himself as a Gooner
- Gooners: they live among us.
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