Tourists Stand on Seats, Twerk Mid-Flight
- Save this shit for when we get to Miami!
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Dude Tries and Fails to Drive Through Tree That Fell...
- In the great battle of cars versus trees, the car is...
Cop Stops Driver Because He’s ‘On His Phone,’...
- Am I free to eat, officer?
Thieves Embarrass Themselves Trying to Shoot Out Door,...
- That went worse than I’m sure they expected it would.
20 Power Tool Fails
- Keep all your fingers please.
Watch an Astronaut Try to Figure Out How to Use a...
- Aren’t you guys supposed to be good at tech stuff?
Man Showing Off His Weed on Stream Gets Raided by...
- A classic “well, what did you think was going to...
Woman Whose Dad Was Killed on 9/11 Says She Keeps...
- She doesn’t find two sticks of lasagna being hit by...
Teacher Says That Smartphones and iPads Have Ruined a...
- The iPad babies are now iPad elementary school...
Watch a Bunch of Fully Grown Men Fight Over Pokémon...
- Guys, c’mon, this is pathetic.
Live Streamer Shows Why You Don’t Speed When It’s...
- There are a lot of problems with doing this —...
Police Keep Buying Robots, But They Don’t Know What...
- Maybe just don’t buy them?
Delivery Robot Gets Rinsed by Oncoming Car
- Serves him right!
Dude Flying Plane Has Cockpit Ripped Off by Cable
- Nothing like a little fresh air at 10,000 feet!
Woman Tries to Use Fire Extinguisher, Creates Rocket...
- That’s not how you do that at all.
Alabama Frat Bro Gets Stuck in Expensive Pot, Whole...
- I’m sure it was funny at first.
This Russian Plane Launch Is a Failure of Comic...
- Up, then down, then boom.
American Influencer Might Get Banned from Australia...
- You don’t mess with wombats!
Plane Knocks Apart Flock of Birds Like Bowling Pins
- That’s a strike!
Welder Documents Himself Accidentally Burning Down a...
- Your boss isn’t going to be happy about that one.
Amazon Driver Parks, Then Smashes Van Right Into...
- You almost had it!
37 Pathetic Displays of Public Art That Need to be...
- Part of the social contract of owning a building...
37 Back Tattoos People Are Thankful They Can't See
- You can always put your mistakes behind you.
25 Posts and Reactions to RFK Jr. At Steak n’ Shake
- "The HHS Secretary is apparently doing an ad for Steak...
Prosecutor Trying to Play Evidence in Court...
- That’s not going to help their case.
Dude Schools Police Officers on the Law, Gets Them to...
- That’s embarrassing.
Woman Captures Pigeon Landing on Her Head, Then...
- The embarrassment got to him, it seems.
TCL Just Released an Ad Encouraging TV Owners to...
- I’ll pass, thanks.
These Trashy Houses Prove Rich People Still Have Bad...
- Wealth can’t buy taste (or, apparently, a competent...
Another Dumbass Set Themselves on Fire While Trying to...
- They really love setting themselves on fire, huh?
Rich Guy With 20 Houses Says He’s Technically Not...
- Throughout history, rich people have had to contend...
Johnny Somali Showed Up Late and Hungover to His South...
- He’s gonna die in South Korean jail, huh?
Oh Cool, Another SpaceX Rocket Exploded
- Everyone get your brooms out, time to clean up more...
Flight Attendant Gets Fired for Being Hot and Twerking
- Is there no justice in this world?
Reporter Can’t Stop Laughing at Girl Getting...
- I mean, it’s a roller coaster, there are more of...
Influencer Couple Spends $30k on Antarctic Cruise That...
- You’d think “visit Antarctica” would be a given...
Truck Dumping Gravel Kills Itself, Sends Driver...
- RIP in peace.
Dude Trying to Jump Snow Pile in Car Accidentally...
- Who could’ve expected that (besides everybody...
A Drunk Dude Had to Be Fished Out of the River in D.C....
- The first of many.
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