Toronto Man Receives Cease-and-Desist After Building...
- No good deed goes unpunished.
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‘Thank God It Didn’t Smash My Big TV’: Woman Has...
- She’s in good spirits about the whole thing.
Dude Uses Gun for Pest Control, Mercs Spider
- If it works, it works.
No Donkeys Sleeping in Bathtubs and 18 Other Very...
- Laws are necessary for a functioning society. However,...
Partiers Try to Shoot Fireworks Off Their Balcony,...
- Point the tip *away* from you.
Auto Shop Worker Learns Important Lesson About...
- Sparks = fire = explosion.
Security Guard Goes On a Power Trip, Gets Reminded...
- Aww, could baby not pass the Police Academy?
Woman Accidentally Goes Down Waterslide and Right Into...
- Slip, slide, bite!
Man Learns How Not to Tow a Car by Smashing a Car
- Uh, every loss is a lesson, I guess?
22 Pathetic Examples of the 'Landlord Special' Renters...
- A "landlord special" is a questionable repair job done...
Live Streamer Records Himself Crashing Into a Car
- Save the live streaming for the home. Or better yet,...
Dumbass Thieves Crawl Their Way Through Failed Car...
- Is it just me, or are criminals getting stupider?
Uncoordinated Gymgoer Slips on Treadmill, Then...
- Maybe it’s time to find a new New Year’s...
‘Energy Illustrators’ Say the Moon Landing Is Fake...
- All of life’s questions, answered by scribbles.
Dude Wakes Up to Discover He Ate the Whole Hotel...
- That’s the whole vacation budget spent.
20 Spicy Memes So Wrong They're Right
- If being a dirty little freak is wrong, then we don't...
Man Dressed Like a Toddler Has Outfit-Appropriate...
- Aw, did baby get told he was screaming too loud?
Church Gets Caught Going a Little Overboard with the...
- Don’t ask why they were doing a Cher song in church.
Sinkholes Keep Opening Up in San Francisco, and...
- It doesn’t get more Bay Area than this!
Remembering How Terrible the Super Bowl Halftime Show...
- It was a long, strange journey to Kendrick calling...
20 LinkedIn Lunatics Who Will Likely Remain Unemployed
- *Slams laptop shut for all of eternity*
Philadelphia’s Super Bowl Celebration Was As...
- Win or lose, this was bound to happen.
Guy Gets So Mad About $10 Seat Belt Ticket That He...
- You know you’re just making this more expensive,...
Uber Driver Explains to Passenger That Her Degree...
- Words are hard.
Failed Cooks Take Flaming Dish Outside, Immediately...
- Now it’s *everybody’s* problem.
Cops Are Now Doing TikTok Reviews of Their Favorite...
- Everybody wants to be an influencer these days.
Dude in Smart Car Makes Most Pathetic Parallel Park...
- You have the smallest car imaginable and you’re...
25 Memes and Reactions to Carl’s Jr. Bringing Back...
- Meat and the name Carl are sexual again.
Homeless Person 'Love Bombs' Influencer Using Them for...
- Not so fun when *you’re* being used for someone...
Boomer Learns Through Force That You Can’t Smoke...
- Light up, get lit up.
It Happened Again: Two Planes Crashed Into Each Other...
- Luckily, no one was hurt this time.
30 Portraits of Ugly Inbred Royals
- Here are some faces only a mother could love and...
30 Car Mods That Would Make a 10-Year-Old Boy Say,...
- Modifying cars is a wonderful hobby, but it can...
Annoying Influencer Ruins Famous Tourists Destinations...
- Is all this really worth it?
Watch ‘Shark Tank’s Mr. Wonderful Suck Shit at...
- Guitar, drums, investments—is there anything this...
35 Photos of Botched Cosmetic Enhancements
- Beauty standards have changed over the centuries as...
Watch These Two Guys Learn How Not to Tow a Car
- Well, you got exactly zero parts of that correct....
Amazon Driver Hops Into Front Seat to Stop Car from...
- Did it work? You be the judge!
Man Getting His Jewelry Store Robbed Reacts Like...
- I get you’re freaked out, but *that’s* how...
40 Memes and Reactions to Biden’s Second Career as a...
- Joe Biden? The actor?
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