35 Dumb Military Inventions That Lost the War
- During both of the World Wars, military technology...
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See a Drone? Just Shoot it Down, Says Congressman
- Solving this problem the American way!
Is This Orb an Alien Craft, or Just the Planet Venus?
- Okay, can we get some actual consistency about what...
In Response to Drone Sightings, Government Says Not to...
- Good advice for life, that is.
Ex-Maryland Governor Tries to Join the Drone Story by...
- Buddy, just stay out of this one.
Man Learns Why You Turn Off Breakers Before You Cut a...
- You’ve gotta cut the power before you cut the power...
20 Gigantic Disgusting Blobs that Plopped out of the...
- The ocean is a thriving ecosystem, home to many...
Cyclist Accidentally Runs Another Competitor Off the...
- See, you’re supposed to stay *on* the track.
20 Memes for People Who Cringe at Love
- Love is a battlefield... of cringe-worthy moments, and...
Woman Calls the Cops Because There Was a Spider in Her...
- Tax dollars well spent!
Florida’s Boat Takeover Was As Disastrous As You’d...
- Forget “what could go wrong” — what could go...
30 People Who Had One Job and Failed It
- How does this even happen?
Man Accidentally Runs Over Himself With Tractor
- He’s part of the fertilizer now.
Dating Is a Joke, and These 20 Memes Are the Punchline
- Dating is the gift that keeps on giving... awful...
Plane Makes Emergency Landing on the Freeway
- At least it spiced up a boring commute!
Polish MMA Organization Makes Dude Who Failed Weigh-in...
- If a fighter misses weight, the fight is canceled…...
Husband Slips on Ice, Wife Just Makes It Worse
- At least she was trying to help!
Garbage Truck Explodes, Rains Trash on Neighborhood
- A shower that will make you take a shower.
Independent Drone Operators Say Their Drones Are...
- The plot thickens.
Dudes Rob Store Dressed as Santa
- When the elves get tired, Santa’s gotta look...
Woman Crossing Street Causes Massive Pileup
- “Look both ways before crossing the street”...
Woman Crashes Golf Cart Twice in a Row
- Texting while driving: not just a danger in normal...
Assholes Light Off Fireworks in a Subway
- I know their sandwiches suck, but isn’t this a bit...
Dude Harasses Mom by Dressing Exactly Like the...
- What a strange cultural moment this is.
Dental Patient Singlehandedly Stops Robbery in the...
- I hope the rest of his procedure was free!
Dudes Rob Store, Get Away on Horseback
- They never saw it coming!
Man Crashes Brand New Car Through Dealership after...
- Umm, sir, you can't park there.
Turns Out You Can't Drive the Cybertruck in the Snow,...
- So… it’s just a crummy driveway ornament, then.
Volleyball Player Gets Spiked in the Head. Twice.
- This feels like bad sportsmanship.
35 Cursed Randoms Slithering Out of Your Drain
- It’s been a cold, shivery few days and it’s only...
Why Do Groomers Keep Giving Dogs Fat Asses?
- Seriously, do we need to have a conversation here?
Cop Gets Firework Straight to the Dick
- A bottle rocket right to the Roman Candle!
Dude Slips and Falls on Ice and Then Gets Run Over By...
- His day went from bad to very bad.
20 Awful Car Modifications and Accessories That Are a...
- If you wouldn't get plastic surgery on your face,...
Bride and Groom Rapping Their Vows Is the Cringiest...
- My heart goes out to all the guests.
'Dancing Soccer' Is How Every American Imagines...
- Call us when your main sport involves tackling each...
Dude Invents Solution to Stop His Mom From Asking...
- It sure beats saying “Just wait, they’ll answer...
Karen Going Wrong Way in One-Way Parking Garage Loses...
- It’s hard to admit you’re wrong. That’s why some...
This Man Will Skate on Everything But Skates
- Balling on a budget!
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