22 Bootleg Movies Clearly from Another Dimension
- When it comes to movies, people mostly like the same...
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Man Completely Destroys His Rental Car, Isn’t Sure...
- Maybe, just spitballing here, alcohol was involved.
The ‘Jack Off a Balloon Game’ Will Be a Hit At...
- I’m gonna pump my way to a raise!
German Island Announces It Will No Longer Hit Women on...
- Hey, good for them.
Driver Gets Her Pedals Mixed Up and Slams Into Cafe
- Okay, time to take the license.
50 Santas Whose Laps No One Should Sit On
- Here are some Santa that made kids cry, got drunk, got...
Dudes Play Cat-and-Mouse Game While Trying to Move Car
- You’ll never catch him!
Woman Caught Driving Without a Tire
- Hey, uh, lady? You’re missing something!
Watch a Bar Lose Its Liquor License in Real Time
- Well, it was nice knowing you!
Bro Throws Up After Dirty Bong Rip
- This is why you change your bong water, kids.
House Randomly Explodes, Caught On Security Camera
- Check your gas lines, folks.
Teen Taking Driver’s Test Accidentally Drives...
- So… they’re not getting their license, right?
Dude Gets Hit By Bus, Walks Away Just Fine
- As if riding the bus wasn’t bad enough.
UnitedHealthcare Locks CEO Memoriam Post after 73,000...
- It’s official, big business social media policy can...
Woman Really Can't Handle Driving on Slippery Road
- Driving in the snow: it’s not for everyone.
Dude Accidentally Pepper Sprays Himself in Front of...
- How embarrassing!
30 People Evolving into Pokémon Through the Power of...
- With a little Photoshop magic, anything is possible.
Woman Gets Clotheslined by Tow Truck
- The cars are definitely in the wrong here.
32 Spray Tan Victims Who Flew Too Close to the Sun
- Here are some pale folks who flew too close to the sun...
Snowboarder Falls and Wipes Out Entire Ski Hill
- Some people just can’t handle the tow rope.
Soccer Kick Hits Fans and Spills All Their Beers at...
- A missed goal and a couple dozen dollars down the...
'Talk Tuah Judge': 37 Spit Takes on Hawk Tuah's...
- The poetic ending to the rise to fame of Hailey Welch...
Watch a Shit Ton of Sea Lions Fall Into the Ocean
- They’re just so clumsy!
Man’s Rube Goldberg Machine is the Craziest Way to...
- He may have scored, but at what cost?
26 People From 2007 Who Regretted Going to Hot Topic
- No one looked cool in 2007.
Man Lights Woman's Car on Fire, Gets Instant Karma
- Serves him right!
Dudes Start Fighting in Parking Lot, Then Resolve It...
- We love to see bros working out their problems.
42 People Hitting All The Potholes in the Road of Life
- When things just don't go your way, you can take some...
Man Tries to Check in to LA Fitness Using a Fish
- Hey, it beeped!
Woman Uses Rented Beach Chair as a Toilet
- For those times when the bathroom is just too far away.
Police Called Over Couple’s Disagreement About...
- If you’re going to have a threesome, you’ve got to...
Dude Filming ‘Content’ Before His Flight Is the...
- Bro, just get on the plane.
Former Apple Worker Recalls What It Was Like to Work...
- If you’ve had an iPhone for a while, you surely...
Aussies Show How They Deal With ‘No Shoes, No...
- Any excuse to take the dogs out!
Apply Palm to Forehead - 21 Funny Fails Full of...
- Some funny Friday facepalms and fails.
31 Televisions Black Friday Fighters Would Fall on the...
- Black Friday has ceased to be the violent, barbaric...
Motorcyclist’s Attempt to Chat Up Woman Is an...
- He’s going to be thinking about that one for a while.
Dude Films Himself Ramming Police Cars Because ‘Jail...
- He’s not wrong.
Old People Really Don’t Understand Mobile Ordering
- It’s almost adorable.
Dude Shows His Mom His Tattoo Right Before He Leaves...
- If she doesn’t like it, too bad!
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