Driver Slams Into Woman in Crosswalk on Her Phone
- Crossing the street boring ahh hell.
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Guy Doing Flips in Restaurant Gets a Booth to the Shins
- This is why people don’t do acrobatics at Denny’s.
Man Knocking Over Motorbike Gets a Kick to the Skull
- Yet another reason to wear a helmet.
Remembering When the Yankees Announcer Was Hit in the...
- Strike, you’re out!
Time Flies: 24 Undeniable Signs That You've Gotten Old
- Some signs of age are easy to spot, like gray hair and...
College Students Learn the Dangers of Flaming Shots
- You’ve gotta blow them out first!
Kid on Scooter Gets Sniped by Another Flying Scooter
- I guarantee no one learned any lessons from this.
Woman Walks in Front of Train, Gets Hit, But Walks...
- Look both ways before crossing the tracks!
Watch Every Car Screw Up This Roundabout
- And they say this is better than a normal intersection!
When Life Happens: 33 People Having a Spectacularly...
- Moments in life when things went from 0 to 100 really...
Woman Gets Knocked Down After Trying to Catch Suitcase
- I mean, she technically stopped it.
Every Single Go-Kart Misses Turn, Goes Sliding
- You’d think at least *one* of them would know how to...
Dude Gets Suplexed By a Horse
- This is why some people don’t like horseback riding.
Woman Flipping Off Other Drivers Gets Instant Karma
- Road rage doesn’t pay.
Dude Learns Hard Lesson Playing ‘Revolving Door...
- Just use the doors for entering and exiting next time.
Bear Released Back Into the Wild Immediately Attacks...
- You brought him into this world, and now, he’s going...
Kid Rides Bike Directly Into Woman’s Rear
- Down she goes!
Man Violently Flips His Car, Somehow Walks Away Just...
- You might still want to go to the doctor, buddy.
Dude Tries to Launch Off Ramp, But the Ramp Isn’t...
- This is why you test the strength of your ramp...
Snowboarders Get Attacked by Wild Hog
- Bet that’s not a hazard you expected to see on the...
Woman Trips on Amazon Package, Accidentally Throws...
- That delivery didn’t go as planned.
People in Kosovo Keep Getting Attacked By Crows
- This isn’t a good sign, right?
Cops Chasing Suspect Accidentally Hit Him With Their...
- The suspect has been stopped. And possibly killed.
Frat Plays ‘Kiss or Slap’ with Random Women. Every...
- I’m sure they hoped for at least one “kiss.”
Woman Running From Cops Slams Into Pole
- Not the best getaway route!
Man Keeps Power Bank Under Pillow. It Explodes
- This is why you don’t buy batteries off AliExpress.
10 Insane Weapons From Humanity's Dark Past
- Sometimes we're a little too creative.
People Volunteer to Get Punched in the Liver, Then...
- Honestly, what did you think was going to happen?
Kid Accidentally Body Slams Another Child WWE-Style
- Down for the count!
Another Truck Has Been Hit By a Train
- People, please — stop parking on train tracks!
A Kick Streamer and His Crew Got Rinsed in the Streets...
- Oh Johnny Somali, when will you ever learn?
Attempted Shoplifter Tries to Make Daring Exit, But...
- Keep kicking, I’m sure it will work out!
Woman Trying to Get Coconut from Tree Gets Bonked in...
- This is possibly the most cartoonish injury of all...
25 Crazy Things Seen in X-Rays
- People put crazy things in their bodies.
Woman Streaming on the Side of a Road Gets Hit by a Car
- Maybe “the side of the freeway” isn’t the best...
Dude Uses Stretching Machine, Gets Stuck in the Splits
- Sure, he’s in pain, but think about what a nice...
Kid Loses Fight to a Sign
- You almost had him!
Guinness Book of World Records Runs Out of Ideas, Has...
- Are there really no more records we can break?
Everyone on Swing Ride Gets Swung Into Truck
- More like abuse-ment park, amirite?
Tree Cutter Gets a Trunk to the Nuts
- Wood, right in the wood!
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