Woman Streaming on the Side of a Road Gets Hit by a Car
- Maybe “the side of the freeway” isn’t the best...
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Dude Uses Stretching Machine, Gets Stuck in the Splits
- Sure, he’s in pain, but think about what a nice...
Kid Loses Fight to a Sign
- You almost had him!
Guinness Book of World Records Runs Out of Ideas, Has...
- Are there really no more records we can break?
Everyone on Swing Ride Gets Swung Into Truck
- More like abuse-ment park, amirite?
Tree Cutter Gets a Trunk to the Nuts
- Wood, right in the wood!
Anderson Cooper Got Hit By Flying Garbage While...
- Bet he wishes he was back in the studio!
Dude Jumps a Sand Dune on His Dirt Bike and Lands in a...
- There’s a simple rule in extreme sports: look before...
Shooting Armadillos Is Dangerous Because of the...
- If you see an armadillo, you might be tempted to shoot...
Boyfriend’s Booty Slap Is a Little Too Much
- If you’re in a couple, you’re going to get your...
Russian Hockey Ref Gets Into Fight With Players
- As we’ve previously noted many, many times, things...
Bar Fight Gets Nice Country Soundtrack
- Swing your partner round and round, then swing your...
House Boat Crashes Right Into Bridge
- Damn, your house *and* your boat destroyed in one go!
Massive Blimp Crashes in the Middle of a City
- Blimps are pretty cursed, huh?
Frankie Valli is Still Performing Despite Being...
- I mean, I respect the hustle.
Russian Soccer Match Becomes All-Out Brawl
- Why punish them? This is the most fun I’ve ever had...
This Is How You Fight-Off an Aggressive Goose
- Geese are notorious assholes.
Dudes Turn Playground Equipment into Bungee Swing
- Leave a group of dudes in a playground with bungee...
Woman Get Blasted by a Hose After Trying to Storm Field
- Running on the field during a game is always a gamble.
Watch This Crocodile Fight a Python
- Nature is beautiful, isn’t it?
Man Calmly Films Himself Getting Impaled in the Foot
- That’s one you can’t walk off!
Surgeons Remove Massive Eel (or Maybe Dildo) From...
- This is why a flared base is important!
Dude Gets Into Fight with SWAT Team Robot
- A Texas SWAT team got into a bizarre altercation with...
Strongman Cracks Coconuts With His Head, Pours...
- I mean, I like coconut water, but is it really worth...
Woman Takes Watermelon To Her Melon
- While there are certainly more efficient ways to split...
19 Naive Souls Who Asked to Roasted But Instead Got...
- Get ready to have a few laughs at these people who...
Tree Climber Becomes Faller After Limb Suddenly Breaks
- Watch out below!
Dudes Eat It Hard During ‘Slippery Race’
- This may be the most frustrating race of all time.
Cameraman Is Way Too Calm About His Friend Setting...
- If you see a video start with someone setting...
23 People Who Ignored the Sun and Paid a Hefty Price...
- There is nothing worse than coming back from a long...
17 Poor Souls Who Got Absolutely Wrecked by the...
- We all have experienced tough moments, crappy...
Police in Training Have Tires Thrown at Their Heads
- Police have got to be ready for every possible...
Woman Trying to Take Cute Railroad Pics Gets Hit By...
- It’s a classic move: standing by the train to wait...
Traffic Cop Tries to Stop Car, Goes for a Ride on the...
- Traffic cops are at an inherent disadvantage when...
23 Times the Universe Showed Someone 'Today Is Not My...
- When things get out of hand fast.
Watch a Man Destroy His Refrigerator with a Firecracker
- There are many ways to destroy a refrigerator, if...
This Man Hangs Out on the Street Waiting to Be Kicked...
- Everyone, you would hope, has a purpose in this world....
Bodybuilder Needs More Than 200 Wax Strips to Remove...
- Bodybuilders have to do a lot to get in tip-top...
Dudes Keep Launching Metal Bowls Into Their Balls
- There’s currently an incredibly stupid trend...
Bike Racer Trolled Into Crashing by Fake Beeps
- They really shouldn’t let people like this near...
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