33 Pics of China’s New Year Celebrations Putting Us...
- In the second century B.C., China invented fireworks...
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The Craziest Videos from the Fall of the Syrian...
- What a week it’s been, huh?
32 Real-Life Mech Suits for a Metal Mid-Life Crisis
- Robots are interesting, and armor is cool, but...
Man Takes Video to Prove He’s Sober, Quickly Proves...
- It can be hard to know when you’ve had too much.
Luigi Mangione’s Lawyer is a Certified Goof
- We’re not saying he’s a bad lawyer; we’re just...
10 of the Most Valuable Finds Ever On 'Pawnstars'
- Pawnstars was one of television's biggest reality TV...
Volleyball Player Gets Spiked in the Head. Twice.
- This feels like bad sportsmanship.
Remembering When Police Tricked a Bunch of People with...
- Congratulations — you’re under arrest!
Man Spots a Ton of Floating Orbs Outside the Window of...
- The flight was going from Chicago to *gasp* New Jersey.
Woman Makes Beautiful Cakes, Then Sits on Them
- Her account is fittingly titled “Cakes on Cakes.”
46 Drunk People Passed-Out in Public
- Some folks are so excited to get to sleep, they make...
29 Giant Room-Sized Computers That Couldn’t Even Run...
- Computers are such a big part of our lives nowadays...
20 Photos of What High School Looked Like in the 1980s
- For the first time ever, the computer snaked its way...
Balloons Ignited by Fireworks Cause Massive Fire
- Turns out that balloons and fireworks really don’t...
Pilot Expertly Lands Plane During Massive Windstorm
- Skills like these are indistinguishable from magic.
Car Filming Beautiful Ocean Gets Hit by Massive Wave
- No one said that living on the sea was worry-free.
Did These Idiot Streamers Really Give Zyns to an...
- And if so, why?
20 Etiquette Tips from Silent Movie Title Cards
- Back before a dancing bucket of popcorn told you to...
The 10 Strangest and Most Unexpected Items Ever On...
- Antiques Roadshow has been on the air for 29 years,...
Parrot Says F the Man and Tears Out Anti-Bird Spikes
- Down with the tyranny of anti-bird spikes!
40 WTF Pics to Ring In the New Year
- Here’s the last spine-tingling collection of...
48 Christmas Eve Randoms to Roast Your Chestnuts
- If you're that relative who loves to sit back and show...
15 Photos of What Life Looked Like in 1950
- New decade, new photos.
These Fast-Food Chains Are Almost Unrecognizable from...
- These days, fast foods feel like copy and paste...
Liverpool Lads Spot Drone That Scares Them So Much...
- I’m sure they’re shocked, I just can’t...
Dude Is Really Good at Catching Things on Knives
- This would take a lot of patience.
20 Old-School Photos of People Doing Stuff the Hard Way
- Elbow grease, and patience.
Trump Says He Knows What the New Jersey Drones Are,...
- C’mon, can’t you just give us a hint?
35 Cursed Randoms Slithering Out of Your Drain
- It’s been a cold, shivery few days and it’s only...
20 Photos of What Christmas Looked Like in the 1990s
- Nintendos, PlayStations, Nerf guns and the lot; if you...
Dude Creates Treadmill Cart to Creatively Slam Himself...
- Example number 1,294,596 of why women live longer than...
Man Crashes Brand New Car Through Dealership after...
- Umm, sir, you can't park there.
Goths Go for Christmas Photo Shoot
- Even the goths get into the holiday spirit!
29 Funny Pictures from When Kids Were Expendable
- Nowadays kids are largely considered unique and...
50 Very American Statues and Monuments
- If you can think of it, odds are someone in the...
40 Fascinating Photos Collected from the World Wide Web
- Fascinating pics make the internet worth surfing.
Be Careful Who You Call Snowflake: 26 Snowmen Armed to...
- Get yourself a Ring camera, and you’ll be safe for a...
34 Animals God Designed While Off a Perc
- God is creative, but he may have gone too far with...
Karen Calls Man ‘The Devil,’ Then He Plays the...
- If you summon the devil, well, you’re going to get...
Dude Hits Coworker in the Face with a Tennis Racket
- Not exactly the bonus he was hoping for.
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