30 Fascinating Photos from Our Fascinating World
- Check out what the shut-ins are missing out on.
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20 1970's Food Advertisements That Do Not Look...
- Does a Miracle Whip Yule log sound appetizing to you?
Watch a Russian War Protester Get Arrested in Two...
- Her sign literally just read “two words.”
American Airlines Accidentally Gave a Guy $100k, and...
- What would you do if you woke up with an extra 100...
Dude Stages ‘Mission: Impossible’-Style Grocery...
- I know eggs are expensive these days, but geez.
Meth Head Does Very Bad Job of Convincing Cops He...
- Take a few deep breaths, man.
Man Intentionally Blows Up His Whole House
- Andrew McCubin, 57, was recently found to have...
This New ‘Flying Car’ Is Hideous Looking
- Wow, this sucks!
Thieves Fake Seizure, Then Try to Steal a Bunch of...
- This is different.
Convoy Very Nearly Falls Off Bridge
- They’re not supposed to do that.
Woman Gets Caught Ripping Massive Fart on Ring Camera
- It’s a wet one.
28 Old-Slimers in Their Gunge Cave
- Check out these pictures on an empty stomach, and...
25 Car Mods That Cannot Be Street Legal
- Not everyone is a qualified mechanic.
The 40 Best Tweets of 2025 So Far
- Despite everything, Twitter is still churning out the...
24 Dudes Smoking That Which Should Not Be Smoked
- Stoners are supposed to be chill.
25 Photos of What Cracking Open a Cold One Looked Like...
- Nothing measures up to cracking open a cold one and...
24 Scientifically-Accurate Recreations of Dinosaurs...
- Okay, first scientists want to tell us that dinosaurs...
30 Reactions to Wide Neck's Latest Arrest
- It's always the people you kind of expect.
41 Unsettling Savory Jellos Stuffed With Terrible...
- No, you’re not looking at cat vomit under a...
23 Lethal Thingamajigs People Threw Together in their...
- The only thing more powerful than the force of human...
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Twitter is harkening back to the days when it was...
45 Thursday Morning Randoms to Sharpen Your Mind
- Sometimes a giant sword is what we all need to get...
25 Cybertruck Crashes We Hope Aren't Metaphors
- Does the Cybertruck look cool? No.
25 Hookah Dončić Tweets and Memes
- The European lifestyle is too complicated for the...
35 Cursed Pics from the Unsettling Depths of the Web
- Experience humanity at it's weirdest and worst.
Funeral Gets Interrupted by a Wild Bull
- He just wanted to pay his respects.
New Parking Enforcement Robot Just Picks Up Your Car...
- This could be worse.
Dude Trying to Mug Two Women Gets Instant Karma
- Bet he didn’t see that one coming!
China Has Their Own BB-8, Except It Fires Tear Gas
- Well, this feels dystopian.
Man Films His Own Arrest, Including Himself Getting...
- It’s always nice when the criminal collects his own...
Meet the ‘Pie Girl,’ the Woman Who Hits Chained Up...
- These aren’t the creampie videos you were looking...
Man Says He’s Manipulating Reality to Win on...
- And according to him, it’s working!
The Girandola May Be the Coolest Firework Ever
- There are some places that just do fireworks better...
Woman Loses It on Man Trying to Reverse in Her Driveway
- Common human decency ain’t as common as you’d...
Man Expertly Mocks Woman Who Stole His Bike
- She not only lost the bike, but she lost her dignity...
Woman Gets a Little Too Comfortable on Flight, Takes...
- Save the drinking for after you land.
Watch a Woman Fart on You in the Toilet Like the Piece...
- How do you like that?
Memes and Tweets In Anticipation of the Epstein List...
- Is something about to actually happen?
32 Tweets and Reactions to the 'Shrek 5' Trailer
- The beloved swamp dweller got some bad plastic surgery.
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