Cops Arrest Stalker Who Put GPS Tracker In Girl’s Car
- A woman called 911 after a "friend" whom she told to...
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Family Recovers Stolen E-Bike After Cops Fail to Do...
- After getting no help from local police, a family in...
‘I Wanna Sue Them’: Dunkin’ Donuts Customer...
- Rule number one if you're going to pull a prank on...
All the Most Insane Riot Clips from UConn Fans...
- Let's call this exactly what it is; rioting.
‘You’re Gonna Be in a Hospital If You Don’t Get...
- Apparently being a dirty old fart gives you the right...
15 People Share Horror Stories About Their Trashy...
- Neighbors are the absolute worse. Put them up there...
15 Celebs Who Got Away with Committing Crimes
- Being rich and famous definitely has its perks. Those...
Helpful Neighbors in Disbelief as Karen Has a Meltdown...
- While it seems like a simple thank you is in order,...
4Chan Nazi Arrested At His Mom's House after...
- Let this be a lesson that you can't hide behind a...
20 Famous People We Forgot Did Horrible Things
- Nobody is perfect in this world. But there's a...
‘Dude, I’m Not Intoxicated!’: College Football...
- A William Penn University student is suing three Iowa...
15 People Reveal Personality Traits of Murderers they...
- It's incredibly difficult to put yourself in the shoes...
Passengers Take Down Man Who Tried to Open the Exit...
- Welp. Terrorism is alive and well!
Jackson Mahomes Under Police Investigation for...
- Jackson Mahomes, the kid brother of Kansas City...
20 Disturbing Crime Scene Stories Told by Those Who...
- We've all undoubtedly stumbled across an episode of...
Chaos Erupts in the Courtroom as the Buffalo Mass...
- A man in the audience rushes the defense table as a...
Drug Dealing Douche Tries to Rob Undercover Cop at...
- An undercover officer attempted to make a deal for...
Cops Stand Around and Watch as Pedestrians Rescue Man...
- Another day, another video proving that 'protect and...
30 Maegan Hall Memes to Share With The Co-Workers...
- Maegan Hall was fired for having sex with multiple...
'I Killed Two People': Man Accidentally Butt Dials...
- A gamer named Elijah found himself in some serious...
20 'Florida Man' News Stories From The Land of the...
- Not only do we get to kickoff a new year, but January...
Cop Causes Domino of Crashes after Forgetting to Turn...
- It's that time of the year when videos of cars sliding...
Police Called on Student Who Refused to Apologize to...
- A college student named Leilla was arrested in a...
Andy Dick Now a Registered Sex Offender, Will Serve 90...
- Actor and comedian Andy Dick has just been convicted...
Man Gets Shot At by Cops After Answering Door With Gun...
- Officers responding to a 911 call open fire when the...
Reckless Teen Wants a Warning for Going 116 Miles Per...
- Instead, he was given a $237.00 ticket and 4 points on...
Woman Steals Cop Car Mid Arrest in This Reno-911 Clip...
- After police were called to help a mentally ill woman...
Cops Claim Horses Were Dressed up as ‘Ghosts’ but...
- On October 31st, the Lake County Ohio mounted police...
Former U.S. Goalie Hope Solo Yanked from Car during...
- Bodycam footage has just been released of an arrest...
Grandma Gets Arrested for Feeding the Homeless
- While attempting to spread some love and kindness by...
Daycare Workers Wearing Halloween Masks Arrested after...
- It's a bold strategy to try to get someone else's kids...
The Wildest "Clear the Courtroom" Moments from Court...
- Check out these intense moments that were caught on...
Cops Arrests Man For 'Rolling Up His Window' and...
- And to top it off. his dad, who was driving by and saw...
‘Happily’ Married Bailiff Murders Wife after Being...
- The twist we never saw coming.
What It's Like to Interrogate a Career Criminal
- This is the interrogation of Mark Dencklau, the...
Chic-fil-A Employee Fights Off Car-Jacker Who Targeted...
- Give this man a raise, immediately.
Quick Acting Police Officer Saves Disabled Man's Life...
- A man stuck on train tracks as a train barreled...
Relentless Karen Goes off on Former NFL Star Terrell...
- T.O. is a better man than I am.
Ring Camera Captures Epic Conclusion to Police Chase
- [SOUND WARNING] A ring camera captured the dramatic...
EMT Blocks Cop From Getting To His Terrified Wife,...
- In a beautiful turn of malicious compliance, a woman...
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