The Slowest Police Chase Ever Caught on Camera
- In the media, cops are often portrayed as smart,...
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‘It’s DoorDash!’: Police Lure Elderly Woman...
- In the United States, cops are basically allowed to...
Bavarian Police Stage Underwear Protest Because They...
- In America, our police are kitted to the gills.
Cop Caught Planting Evidence On Driver after Arresting...
- What’s the difference between a...
Woman Calls Cops On Dude Just Trying to Return Her...
- No good deed goes unpunished, especially with a...
Cop Tries His Best Not to Shoot Home Run
- It’s gotta be hard to be a cop — you want to shoot...
We're Going to the Station: 20 Ways Cops Use Subtle...
- Here are the tells that cops look for to figure out...
Cops End High-Speed Chase With a Perfect PIT Maneuver
- The only thing that can stop a bad guy on the run? A...
Woman Calls Cops on Creepy Man Standing In Field...
- This has to be one of our worst nightmares.
Cops Filmed Slashing Tires of Car in Seattle Protest
- What were they hoping to accomplish by doing this? If...
Joker Look-Alike Spits and Screams at SFO Security...
- If you see a man dressed like the Joker — and...
Cops Try to Tase Guy, But He Hits Them With the 1-2...
- The only thing that can stop an angry cop with a...
Angry Passenger Charged With Attempted Murder After...
- Though one angry Spirit Airlines customer may have...
Cop Accidentally Pit-Manuevers Another Cop for Speeding
- The only thing that can stop a cop...
Woman Awarded $50k After Officer Assaults Her During...
- Though he may have wielded the handcuffs, it appears...
'Don't Push Me!': Rabid Karen Tries to Bite Police...
- It's unclear what this woman did to warrant getting...
Cops Have Shootout With an Acorn, Unload Their Mags...
- The only difference between an acorn and a loaded gun?...
Family Forced to the Ground at Gunpoint By Cops Wins...
- A handful of cops in Aurora learned a hard lesson...
SWAT Team of 13 Struggle Mightily to Break into Ohio...
- How many cops does it take to break into a suburban...
Newly-Released Footage Shows Cops Arresting Gay Bar...
- Less than a month after a St. Louis, Missouri cop...
Unlucky Thieves Accidentally Rob Undercover Cops in...
- Though several London thieves may have looked to snag...
Hammered, Slurring Nurse Tries to Convince Officers...
- The best way to prove you’re not drunk? Slurrily...
Cops Taze Man After He Gets Into a Car Accident
- Life feels pretty surreal after you get into a car...
‘He Got Them!’: Cops Fail to Catch Lane-Splitting...
- As we’ve previously noted, lane-splitting is a...
'Today a Criminal Got Away': Cops Shoot Elaborate...
- “Somebody's grieving family is waiting for you guys...
'1-800-Up-Your-Butt': Karen Who Called Police Over...
- Ahh, another video of a Karen making a stink over...
'He Says 521 Like It's a Bingo Number': Ring Camera...
- A few county sheriffs decided to take a new,...
Cop On Cop Brutality: Paul Blart Regrets His First Day...
- A Los Angeles Police Department officer inadvertently...
“It’s gonna go pink and change into something...
- Why catch a robber when you can catch your fourth...
20-Year-Old Thinks She Can Outsmart Cops, Cries to Mom...
- On August 25, 2022 in Florida, deputies pulled over a...
Cops In High Speed Chase Give Up When They Realize...
- Sometimes you have to know your limits.
Former Tampa Police Chief Thinks Officer Status...
- A late-night Greek food run turned into a masterclass...
'I Didn't Do it': Woman With Child in Her Car Rams...
- To the guy in the blue shirt who thought he could stop...
When Crooked Cops Realize the Jig is Up and They're...
- Today we will be taking a look at one of the biggest...
The Cop Who Shot His Boss Out of Self-Defense
- Social media users continue to be morbidly fascinated...
‘Kiss Me, Tell Me I’m F---ing Hot’: Woman Kicks,...
- Amalia does not seem like a danger to anyone, but it...
Locals Declare War on Cops With Fireworks in...
- youths in Minneapolis brazenly launch fireworks at a...
Woman Yells at Cops Like They're Children For Blocking...
- Sometimes all you need to keep cops in check is a New...
Badass Deputy Sprints With a Suspect in Custody to...
- Two car thieves get a lesson in Southern Hospitality...
'Narrowly Escaped With His Life': Car Crashes into...
- A traffic stop nearly turned deadly for an officer...
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