$1 Million NYC Apartment Building Is the Biggest Crap...
- The best part is the owners are accepting cash only.
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Entitled Influencer Demands Free Food at Restaurant
- The world is filled with entitled people who think...
28 People Who Think They're Really Smart
- Have you ever seen those posts from "self-professed"...
Mother-In-Law Interrupts Brides Vows to Say Her Son...
- This hilarious clip comes to us from San Jose,...
Bionic Arm Penis Man Is Understandably Frustrated
- It just dangles there all day long.
20 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- They need to be slapped back into reality.
Unlucky Roller Coaster Rider Drops Their Phone and it...
- I hope that roller coaster selfie was worth it, or...
Texas Congressman Gets COVID-19 and Blames It on His...
- You can't make this stuff up.
Road Rager Cracks up after Threatening to Beat Guy's...
- This is the least intimidating intimidation tactic...
34 Inspiring People Filled with Dumb
- My faith in humanity dies a little more every day.
26 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Someone get these people a ladder and a net, because...
Attention Seekers Can't Help But Lie on Social Media
- Social media is full of people begging for your...
Bike Wanting to Race a Porche 911 Wipes Out in...
- We've all seen bikers on doing crazy stunts on the...
One of the Fastest Knock Outs In Women's Boxing...
- 28 year old, Seniesa Estrada , 18-0 as a professional...
40 Funny Pics to Scroll the Day Away
- For a good time click here.
29 People Who are Regretting that Online Order
- The world is full of hustlers and scammers, and the...
19 People Who Bravely Tried Something New and Failed...
- There's nothing wrong with trying something new or...
20 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world has no shortage of entitled people or as we...
17 People Share The Cringiest, Most Nightmare Dates...
- Whether you're a guy or a girl, dating these days is...
24 Pics Packed To the Brim with Dumb
- A collection of dumb posts from all over the web...
28 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Someone get these people a ladder because these jokes...
16 People With Very Questionable Intelligence
- Proof that we are all drowning in a vast, endless...
40 Texts That Shouldn't Have Been Sent to Parents
- While sending a text to the wrong person can be...
Crazy Scuba Diving Story Leaves Tough Guy Traumatized
- This probably isn't how you deal with a jellyfish...
60 Smart People Share Their Dumbest, Most Embarrassing...
- Truly some facepalm-worthy stories.
29 Wrong Number Texts That Are WTF
- These are something else.
20 Designs That Laughably Missed The Mark
- Whoever was in charge of being the brains behind these...
34 Pictures You Can Only Find Online
- Pictures so strange that they could only come from the...
"Gamer Girl" Is Definitely Not a Video Game for Women
- Some are calling it the "simp-ulator."
Entitled People Who Need a Wake up Call
- People who think they just deserve more any the rest...
Cop Killer Unloads Full Clip of His "Hand" Gun on...
- Someone call the nursing home, grandpa escaped again.
24 Pics Packed to the Brim with Dumb
- These pics will make you facepalm, so it's best if you...
Entitled Karen will NOT be Homeschooling Her Kids
- Karen flips her lid after learning that her kids won't...
20 Dudes Who Have Their Simp Cards
- The simp is strong with these guys.
Kanye West Ended His Presidential Run in 11 Days, So...
- Whelp, it was dumb while it lasted.
23 Funny Jokes People That Left People Confused
- These went right over their heads.
Amber Heard's Turd Photos Finally Released to the...
- Finally we get to see the turd.
Painful Pictures From Times When Life Bit Back
- There are moments in life when the world is trying to...
Painful Pictures From Times When Life Bit Back
- There are moments in life when the world is trying to...
39 Ladies Who Got Caught Faking it on Instagram
- Who do they think they're are fooling? Because it...
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