Dude Spray Painting "Wighte Lives Matter" on His Fence...
- A new movement is gaining traction one genius at a...
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Another Horribly Restored Painting Becomes the Joke of...
- Would you believe us if we told you that this wasn't...
46 People Life Decided to Kick When They Were Down
- Some times things just don't go your way and other...
Apple Is Getting Roasted for Their New iOS That Smells...
- All the features you don't want for a price you can't...
Florida Ken Refusing to Wear a Mask Tries Fighting...
- I wonder what this guy needed from Walmart.
21 Times Reality Played Tricks on Us
- They just can't catch a break.
32 People Who Failed English Class
- That's not the word you're looking for.
Snapchat Added Then Quickly Removed This Juneteenth...
- Making slavery jokes is never a good look.
18 Super Entitled People Who Need a Serious Wake-up...
- Beggars can't be chooser, but don't tell these people...
25 Pics Filled to the Brim with Dumb
- Prepare your foreheads for some serious facepalm...
Youtuber Shares the Videos of All His Rockets That...
- A collection of model rockets and their launches that...
25 Times People Flew Too Close to the Moon
- The harder the squeeze the sweeter the french toast.
20 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- These jokes went so far over these people's heads they...
The Fear in Karen's Eyes When She's Caught Coughing on...
- Her look at the end is one of someone who's about to...
24 People Who Quickly Had Their Day Ruined
- Too bad life doesn't have a reset button.
Tucker Carlson Loses Advertisers and Hashtag War at...
- Sometimes things just blow up in your face.
24 Horrid People Who Are Entitled Beyond Belief
- Beggars can't be chooser, but don't tell these people...
28 People Who Thought They Were Real Clever on...
- They couldn't handle reality.
Trump's Newest Birthday Ad Is a Low-Budget Masterpiece
- Star wipes, vague details, and a drunk guy pretending...
25 Pics Filled to the Brim With Dumb
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
Guy Changed His License Plate to "NULL" and All Hell...
- He thought he was being clever but he ended up playing...
Daughter Attempts to Throw her Mother's Ashes into the...
- Nothing like showering yourself in the memories of...
27 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- These went right over their heads.
British Cop Tricked into Falling into Water Is an...
- A cop chase straight out of Benny Hill. Only thing...
This SFist Tweet Is Quite The Mouthful
- Looks like everything is back to normal guys.
Dan Bilzerian Gets Roasted Trying to Crowdsource Title...
- Paying $5,000 to get insulted just makes financial...
TikTok and Cops Do Not Mix Well Together...Ever (2...
- These self-owns are almost more damaging than anything...
Austin PD Post Thank You Cards from the Community on...
- When you definitely are loved by the community and...
38 Fail Falafels to Feast on for Now
- They really nailed it.
A Demonstration of What Sexual Attraction Looks Like
- Nick Sparks gives his male audience a masterclass in...
15 Movie Mistakes Caught By Keen Viewers
- Small mistakes and production changes you probably...
22 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- Karens and Beggars who need a dose of reality.
22 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- Karens and Beggars who need a dose of reality.
Graceful Swan Face Plants and Nearly Dies in Epic Pool...
- When the bail is more impressive than the make.
23 Funny Design Fails to Restore Your Faith in Humanity
- Someone may have gotten fired for these right here.
Totally Unprompted, Cleveland Mayor Calls City...
- Going on a live stream interview to literally s*** on...
Bro Gives Thumbs up to Protesters and Gets a Rock...
- Now is not the time for beer pong, dude.
Fake Anti-Looting Selfies Are a New Low for Instagram...
- Keep the protest selfies coming.
30 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- The internet has no shortage of people who either...
16 Offbeat Ways People Solved Problems
- If necessity is the mother of invention, laziness is...
eBaum's Picks