Weightlifter Has a Brush With Disaster When She Drops...
- Yet another reason why you should always lift with a...
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Dashcam Catches a Worker's Fall From a Second Story...
- Dashcam footage of a worker removing snow from rooftop...
Marine Biologists Come Upon a Whale Fall While...
- Marine biologists spotted a "whale fall" or dead whale...
Discount Electrician Nearly Kills Himself Installing...
- You get what you pay for, folks.
Bungee Jump Goes Wrong When Harness Slips Off Man's...
- The man had to go to the hospital where multiple organ...
Bikini Clad Cheer Squad Drop Their Top On The Ground
- There's going to be some trust issues after this.
Funeral Home Workers Make a Major Booboo on The...
- Unfortunately, the 2 women transporting this precious...
Woman Accidentally Spills a Wheelbarrow Full of Horse...
- It was Marty & Biff all over again as the entire...
Woman Takes a Morning Stroll in the Buffet Pool
- Nothing is more refreshing than a good breakfast...
WTF Moment as Woman Tries to Trip a Kid
- All time low behavior by this mother who attempted to...
Woman Too Big For Zip Line Takes A Tumble
- A stern warning from friends wasn't enough to stop...
Woman Trying to Take Pics of Goose Gets Attacked
- Geese are not to be messed with. They are the alphas...
Three People Have an Extremely Close Call During a...
- When the tree starts to fall towards the crowd several...
The Worst Pull-Up in Internet History
- She went for a pull-up but all she did was fall down.
Stranger Walked Up and Threw a Child Down 3-Stories at...
- A 5-year-old child plummeted three floors Friday after...
Drunken Zipline Shenanigans Ends In Much Expected Pain
- Love those decorative seatbelts. Although, they don't...
Drunk Little League Umpire is So Wasted
- How in the hell did everyone let him go on for so long...
Fat Dude Destroys a Kid's Indoor Obstacle Course......
- Might be slightly over the weight limit for this...
Heroic Teens Rescue Kid from a 20ft Ski Lift Fall
- Quick thinking teens mad a make-shift contraption to...
Icy Driveway: 1 Homeowner: 0
- If you have ever lived where it snows, then you know...
Watch This Dude Painfully Fall Three Stories From an...
- A worker shoveling snow from the roof of a three-story...
Girls Get Taken Out by Wave During Beach Selfie
- The guy taking the selfie had to see this coming.
Heat Fan and Cops Go For A Wild Ride
- The best part of a Heat game isn't the actual game but...
Man Falls at Mall, Can't Get Up, Has Rough Time...
- A Man took a tumble at the mall and I'm glad someone...
Bikini Hiker Falls and Freezes to Death in Taiwan
- Gigi Wu, died this week while hiking the Batongguan...
Bridge in Moscow Can't Hold Everyone
- Not the best way to spend New Years.
Pastor Asks God to Help Him Jump on Table God Says Nope
- Why was someone recording tho?
This Dad Thought He Wouldn’t Fall For His...
- She hilariously trolls her dad.
Mom Gets Too Confident for Her Own Good and Pays the...
- Mom in Nashville tries her hand on a public eScooter....
Why You Should Never Fall Asleep During Basic Training
- Sorry Drill Sergeant!
Climber Saved from Scary Slide While Descending...
- These people were descending the La Malinche Volcano...
Old Man Winter Claims the Whole Family as His Victims
- The family that sticks together, slips together.
15 Thanksgiving Memes to Baste Your Turkey To
- Turkey Day is coming! Gobble up these memes you...
Boy Twerking on Grandma's Dresser Gets a Handbag to...
- This grandson should probably twerk on his own dresser...
Girl Does An Extreme Faceplant On Bike
- I'm not sure what she was attempting but she has a...
Guy Makes A Huge Mistake While Skateboarding
- Well, not everyone needs to have kids, I guess.
Tantrum Throwing Skateboarder Gets Some Sweet Karma
- Calm yourself before you harm yourself!
Two Women Share A Joke Then Get Swallowed Up by the...
- You never know what lurks beneath.
This Hilarious Montage Explains Why Women Take So Long...
- This helps answer the age old question, WHAT ARE THEY...
What Happen's When Your Wheel Falls Off When You Are...
- Hint: It doesn't end well.
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