Guy Absolutely Gets Ravaged By The Laws of Physics
- I've heard of a bad post, but this is ridiculous!
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32 Great Pics And Memes to Improve Your Mood
- Funny, weird and WTF images that will make your day...
Base Jump Goes Horribly Wrong
- After jumping, this guy realized that his parachute...
Little Girl Saved From Brutal Faceplant By Doorman's...
- A young girl tripped and fell in while coming into...
Drunken Rooftop Pool Jump Goes Horribly Wrong
- He just ruined his face and his roof at the same...
8 Things to Get You Prepped for the Coming...
- It's that time of the year when leaves fall, and...
Daredevil Raccoon Plummets 9 Stories
- "Now you won't see this on the nightly news."
This Girl is so Wasted that she Can Only Walk Backwards
- "Maybe she's born with it ... Maybe it's Ketamine." .
Kid Gets Absolutely Leveled by a Flying Ball and it's...
- Right to the noggin!
Del the Funky Homosapien Falls Off the Stage During a...
- This happened at the Roskilde festival, a big festival...
Epic Walking Fail
- I hope the beer is okay.
Vaping Man Panic's Grand Finale
- In Los Angles, this mess-causing ass is a big ham.
Vaping Man Panic's Grand Finale
- In Los Angles, this mess-causing ass is a big ham.
Vaping Man Panic's Grand Finale
- In Los Angles, this mess-causing ass is a big ham.
Vaping Man Panic's Grand Finale
- In Los Angles, this mess-causing ass is a big ham.
6-Foot Gator Headbutts Cop into Oblivion
- An Ocoee Florida police officer takes a hard hit from...
Guy Challenges a Cutie at the Bar to a Beer Chug
- Instant regret for this guy when his drink goes...
Parkour Stunt Ends Poorly For This Dude
- A loose piece of pipe leads to a painful surprise.
Bikini Babe Gets Knocked Out During Sexy Soapy Car Wash
- Car show enthusiasts were treated to a car wash photo...
Handcuffed Suspect Dives Off 2nd Floor of Courthouse
- A man in handcuffs took a nasty fall after he fled his...
Dog Out of Nowhere KO's a Woman
- This CCTV moment happened in Baiyun district of...
Man Gets Eaten Up By Escalator in Turkey
- Amazingly, he only suffered a broken arm. Officials...
Reporter Falls Hard Trying To Dance a St. Patty's Jig
- "I got your glasses!"
Hillary Clinton Slips Twice While Walking Down Stairs
- The once hopeful Presidential candidate struggles with...
This is What Happens When The Trash Can Kicks Back
- Well... that didn't go as planned!
Sexy Blonde Dances On Bathroom Counter Before Busting...
- Her dance skills are decent but her balance, not so...
Workers Wanted to Rescue this Truck, but Instead Made...
- This recovery crew done messed up big time.
The Fall Frontman Mark E Smith Dies at 60
- The Fall singer Mark E Smith has died aged 60, the...
Giant Chunks of Ice Fall From a 1600 Foot Tall TV Tower
- Two guys take their lives into their hands as they...
Rooftop Beer Chug Goes Wrong And Just Keeps Getting...
- When the neighbor's cookouts are a neighborhood...
Dumbass Refuses To Heed A Timely Warning
- "If Someone Slips, They End Up In The Fire."
Girl Has Trouble Doing The Limbo
- An amazing fail due to a large obstruction.
Paraglider Experiences What He Believes To Be His Last...
- A man escapes from a terrifying paraglider accident in...
Worker Gets Rude Awakening While Snoozing On The Job
- This wake up call almost put him back to sleep.
Woman Drops From Six Flags Ride And Is Caught By A...
- This was the most extreme trust fall I've seen in my...
Cowboy Goes To Great Lengths To Keep His New Boots Dry...
- Sometimes you have to accept your fate!
The Floor Is Lava Game Claims Another Victim
- The childhood game has made its resurgence as it...
Amazing Video of Road Set Ablaze By Lightning Strike
- A busy road is suddenly engulfed in flames after a...
22 People Confess To The Worst Thing They Let A...
- Some of these people are demented and cruel!
Cyclist's Crash Knocks Him Silly During Race
- Someone help this poor guy before he gets run over!
eBaum's Picks