Watch This Motorized Scooter Gang Take Each Other Out...
- Yeah, we should probably just ban these things at this...
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27 Hilarious Tweets
- No Alaskan bears were harmed in the making of this...
40 Late-Night Randoms to Keep the Party Going
- You can sleep when you're dead.
13 of the Stupidest Things the Hippies Ever Attempted
- Peace, love and banana peels?
Wisconsin Barflys Have Most Wisconsin Conversation Ever
- Ah, it’s like being at home again!
Veteran’s Response to Getting his Car Vandalized is...
- This surprised the man, as his name was not Mike and...
Congressman Stops Protestor by Starting Impromptu...
- There are a few ways to tactfully deal with protestors.
Chinese Students Keep Getting Pissed On By Bugs
- Students in China keep getting peed on by cicadas.
New York Finally Enters the Modern Era by Getting...
- New York is on the cutting edge of everything.
This Guy Keeps Catching Fish and Pouring BBQ Sauce...
- There’s much debate about what makes the best bait...
No Snow? Just Go Grass Skiing
- Skiers have a problem—they have too much money!
Cursed Milwaukee Roundabout Continues to Take Down...
- Milwaukee is known for its beer and, consequently, its...
A.I.’s Attempt at Recreating Gymnastics is...
- The latest installment in a long line of examples of...
Man Shamed for Having Explosive Diarrhea at Gwyneth...
- Yet another thing to file under the “Things I Could...
Dude Hires Room of Actors to Purposefully Not Laugh at...
- Being a comedian kind of seems like an extended...
43 Late-Night Pics and Memes to Burn the Midnight Oil
- You can sleep when you're dead.
Woman a Bit Too Excited About Being Baptized
- My baptism consisted of me, a baby, crying while a...
Dude in Flood Caught Literally Just Vibing
- This guy handled a flood the best way possible.
Professional Spanker Spanks Strangers at German Beer...
- The phrase “dream job” gets thrown around a lot,...
"Fire Diving" is the World's Dumbest Sport
- It’s all the fun of diving with the added bonus of...
Berklee School of Music Professors Suck at Music, Play...
- Berklee School of Music is home to some of the...
Old Man Has Insane Method for Parking Car in His Tiny...
- Never underestimate an old dude on a mission.
28 of the Funniest Tweets You Missed This Weekend
- We're all shook up ... and very sweaty.
26 Insults That Knocked People Down a Notch
- People on the internet are ruthless.
Shirtless Man Goes for an Illegal Jog on the Tarmac of...
- What better time to go for a run than before a long...
Monday Morning Randomness: 41 Fresh Randoms to...
- Start your week with a laugh.
The 21 Funniest Names in Baseball History
- Part of the sport's charm is looking back through its...
25 Funny Tweets For a Lazy Sunday
- Sit back, relax, and enjoy the memes.
38 Funny Tweets from This Week on Twitter
- Wrap up the week with a walk down Twitter lane.
37 Fun Randoms to Help You Burn the Midnight Oil
- Sleep when you're dead, tonight we're staying up way...
20 Tweets to Make You Belly Laugh
- Ugly, is he.
39 Funny Examples of Backyard Engineering
- When "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and "well,...
20 Tunnels That Weren’t Quite Big Enough to Fit...
- When trucks and busses disregard height warnings,...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 39 Fantastic Pics and...
- Start your day off with a fresh batch of funny pics...
Florida Man Arrested for Shooting Down Walmart...
- We all knew delivery drones were going to be a bad...
24 Funny Tweets to Bust Your Gut
- A butterfly flapped its wings and now the U.S. has a...
18 Orange Biden Memes to Stain the Timeline
- We regret to inform you, but another orange man has...
Friday Morning Randomness: 37 Fresh Pics and Memes to...
- Congrats you made it through another Fourth of July...
Thursday Morning Randomness: 39 Choice Pics to...
- Celebrate America's birthday the right way with a...
'I Don’t Work Here': 8 Times People Were Mistaken...
- People displaying Karen-like behavior have a tendency...
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